Combat isn't only on the battlefield.

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Nova and his companions were tracking across a large grassy field which luckily had a dirt path they could cross through. They chanted whilst marching back the hideout and all seemed normal however Naughtyfins was limping and using her Pike as support, the Hero rushed over. "Are you alright" Nova asked. Naughtyfins just smiled back, tall grass patches beside them rustled and the other three current dark heroes jumped out. Ragewolf's claw tore into Nova and the Hero was launched into the distance, Naughtyfins stood upright shouting "Byeeeeee ❤" Sonarchy blew into his Horns Of Hamlin which inflicted poison upon the other Patapon warriors. Ravenous saw it was his chance so he swung his scythe backwards and then forwards again to summon a gigantic whirlwind, this soon turned into a tornado and sucked in Ton, Chin and Kan. All three soon plummeted to the ground with a large thud.

Silver Hoshipon was floating around the hideout, he was concerned about the armies whereabouts. Hatapon had managed to escape from the combat by fleeing when the grass began to rustle. Silver Hoshipon quickly met with Hatapon as he approached. "The the... they were ambushed." He was panting but managed to explain the situation. "Hmmm." Silver Hoshipon thought so himself.

Ravenous laughed and began to say "Now I can keep all the rare items because they're in my possession now!" "SHUT IT BIRD, NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR RARE ITEMS!" Ragewolf shouted. Ravenous decided to leave then and enter another room, he decided to go into the room where the Patapons had been captured. " When defeating the bonedeth tribes you must have received chests right? Where may they be?" Nova managed to look upwards. "Just go outside and look for them." Ravenous turned around and walked back out the room. After climbing up and out of the window nearby he perched on a ledge and peered around the battlefield. Something glimmered beside the desolate bonedeth hut so Ravenous jumped down onto the ground, he sprinted on the hard mud paths and dived onto the glorious box. It was golden and glimmered in the beautiful sunlight. The most attractive feature was a light blue gemstone inserted into the top of it. Ravenous picked it up and foot slogged slowly back to the Estate, although it was heavy he couldn't wait for another rare item.

A Dark Descent- A Patapon 3 Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें