On The Hunt.

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Ravenous sat gnawing on a huge chunk of the roast centura, the beasts singed body laid out on the table as the dark heroes carved into its succulent flesh. "DAMN THIS IS GOOD, I HAVE NEVER TASTED CENTURA BEFORE, GOOD JOB WITH SLAYING IT RAVENOUS!" Howled Ragewolf before he began mauling a part of the centura's leg apart. Although it wasn't in his nature to share, Ravenous thought that it was his duty as a warrior to provide the group with food and after all it doesn't matter if he let's them have some because centuras are not rare items. Buzzcrave was clawing at the meat with aggression, he tore off large pieces and began to devour them very quickly. Buzzcrave was literally destroying the cooked monster with his bare hands. Ravenous gave an odd look in the flies direction but then averted his gaze elsewhere. Sonarchy gave a smug laugh "we are eating like royalty and I bet those Patapons have nothing."

Back at the hideout Nova and the tribe were getting their weaponry equipped for the hunt in Taki Taki forest just west of the obelisk. Chin harnessed two massive great golem arms which could shatter stone and concrete alike. Ton was wielding a flame spear, this bright red spear could kill and begin to cook any animal it slays in a matter of seconds. Kan held an ice crossbow, this vibrant blue weapon could propel arrows at great speeds and freeze anything the arrows hit so that there is no escape. Finally Nova had changed from the Wooyari to Yarida, this mission required stealth so charging at their prey would not be effective as close quarter combat isn't always the solution. Nova held in his hand a large and extremely sharp black and pale green spear, the weapon is said to have been ripped from the jaw of a mighty Dokaknel thus it acquired the name Dokaknel Fang. Hatapon began to wave around his sacred flag and chant for the tribe so March forward, Chin led the way quickly followed by Nova, Ton and Kan.

After trekking for around a two miles the Patapons arrived at a large patch of quite tall grass. Nova ducked slightly and crept into the grass, he slowly maneuvered through until he could see a clearing. The rest of the tribe began to peak through the grass and they saw a herd of Kacheek, the creatures were sat on the grass sunbathing as little patches of light wriggle though the canopy. Nova gripped his spear tightly and then dived out of the grass, the rustling grass startled some of the Kacheek and they began to get up. The Yarida did a flip and launched his spear into a Kacheeks neck, its lifeless body fell to the ground with a large thud and the explosive radius of the spear managed to disorientate two more of the creatures, the rest of the herd flew however the two that were hurt were quickly taken down by the huge costs of the Destrobo and a couple arrows to the back that were covered in glimmering icicles. Nova gave a big smile, "we are going to have a feast tonight!" He shouted. The rest of the tribe began to chant as they wrapped vines around the carcasses, Chin grabbed one of the vines and began to drag a Kacheek across the floor like it was as light as a feather. Both Yarida classes did the same and Kan scurried along with Hatapon slightly relieved that he didn't have to carry anything back.

Kan was admiring the beauty of the forest when he suddenly  tripped over a log, this log looked slightly different to the rest as it had a more golden brown tone than the dull trunks surrounding him. "Wow that is a super cedar log." Stated Hatapon "we could use that when forging weaponry." Chin overheard this and his face lit up. "I would like that if you don't mind, my flame shield needs some repairs and I know exactly what I can do if I have that log." Kan gave a slight sigh but nodded his head. The tribe arrived back at the hideout with their glorious bounty, Chin went into the blacksmiths straight away to work on his shield and the other three started to light a fire in the centre of camp, the little flames roared as meat rotated on a spit half a metre above it. Delicious juices dripped from the creatures hide and evaporated into the midnight sky. Each of the warriors got a tiny dagger and began to slice off their pieces of meat. Every Patapon there smiles as they chewed the brilliant meat of the tasty Kacheek. The hunt was a success but the Patapon tribe had to enjoy the night as in the morning there were more important matters at hand.

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