Hatapons Spirit.

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Silver Hoshipon and Hatapon trecked across mountainous terrain as this was the best way to get round the perimeter without having to fight as no shield class was nearby thus leaving Hatapon vulnerable to any attack. They arrived in a forest beside the Estate. Luckily for them the bonedeth forces were regrouping so no threats were around yet. The two began to run out the trees and slide behind the Estate, they managed to get into it round the back entrance which wasn't guarded.

Inside the Estate were the three dark heroes, Ravenous was still getting back with his treasure. Naughtyfins was somewhat thrusting against her Pike and spinning around on it. The others watched in confusion as she danced. "Well boys this is a victory right? ❤" she asked, they didn't reply as they were too captivated by her movements. Hatapon and Silver Hoshipon manoeuvred round corridors with precision. They approached a room which was guarded, the bonedeth were distracted by the sounds of the dark heroes in another part of the building. The two then snook in the room and saw Nova, Ton, Chin and Kan on the floor, their wounds were serious. Hatapon walked over to then whispering "come on guys, get up because we can do this." Silver Hoshipon flew over and said "use the djinn, it'll heal you." Chin replied "I don't think we have the strength." Nova got up. "Of course we do! Lets go!" The group shouted "Don-DonDon-DonDon."

Meanwhile, Ravenous had made it back, he placed down the chest and stared at it. The other dark heroes also stared at the chest wondering what he was going to get. Ravenous slowly opened it up, he took a black and blue spear out of it. "So this is what I got, is it rare?" He asked confusingly. "Awww you got me a Poseidon's Trident aren't you just the sweetest ❤." Naughtyfins said happily. "No it is mine!" "My rare item." Ravenous shouted defensively.

Suddenly there was a large bang and a sound which was like an explosion, the dark heroes ran around the corner to see all the Patapon army and Silver Hoshipon stood in front of a gigantic Patapon shadow, the room lit up blue and everyone was dancing, they we're shouting loudly and the shadows moved forwards slowly. The dark heroes began to fight back and they did inflict some damage however they quickly escaped as volleys of massive spears flew towards them, the corridor was left to crumble as the spears did such damage to it.

A Dark Descent- A Patapon 3 StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant