The Fall Of A Beast.

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Chin staggered to his feet and gripped his twin blades strongly. He darted forward stumbling every couple steps but still managed to continue his movement, he pounced up, pirouetting in the air almost like a dancer. The Myamsar slashed at the Cyclops creature specifically where its iron weapon was being clutched, the screeches of metal colliding with metal echoed around the room. Kan crawled across the floor to a wall nearby, the warmth of the slab slightly calming him before he cast a lightning storm above the beast, bolts of energy struck the jet black horns of the monster and continued to attack until Kan grew tired. Myamsar managed to Dodge the incoming claw from his foe, he dived into the purple weapon and headbutted it, Chin fell to the ground and looked up as the sapphire blue flames burn the face of the foul beast.

Dettankarmen was knocked backwards by the force of its own weapon, it flailed as it tried to extinguish the fire that roared around him. Ton and Nova found their chance, both the dragon and the from began to charge towards the enemy simultaneously, Ton leapt high into the air and launched his lances in the direction of Dettankarmen, Nova lifted up his blunderbuss and aimed the barrel towards the creatures face. A white aura began to appear around the hero as he pulled the trigger, shrapnel pieces scattered pummeling the beast in the face, more flames burst from the shells of the ice blunderbuss, these climbed onto Dettankarmen and continued to attack its body. The monster swung its arms and screeched a battle cry as it attempted to win the fight, a gigantic clawed fist smashed into Nova as he tried to evade the flaming attack. The dragon hit a wall and plummeted to the ground, pieces of rock and steel alike began to crumble and smack into the hero. Kan ran over to Nova as Chin and Ton kept fighting, Dettankarmen was weakening by each moment that passed. Kan slid and knelt down beside Nova, he pushed off the debris that laid upon the hero and sat down to check if he was alright. Myamsar jumped high up into the air and hacked the face of the beast, Piekron readied himself before he leapt backwards and threw his lances, whilst the attack traveled towards its victim, a storm cloud appeared, as the weapon struck its foe a bolt of lightning similar to that of Kans battered the waist of Dettankarmen. The beast gave a mighty roar as it began it fall apart, the pieces that constructed it morphed back into their original form and fell to the floor.

Silence covered the battlefield, not the usual singing and dancing of the Patapon tribe. The frog and the cat ram towards Nova, Hatapon and Kan were both looking after him. Nova groaned with pain as he slowly sat up. The members of the tribe all reached out a hand to help up their leader. Chin spoke with glee. "That happened to me as well but I'm fine." Nova looked in his direction and spoke with a noble tone. "Yeah but you don't have to lug this thing around all the time." He tilted his neck so that his head pointed in the direction of his massive blunderbuss. Chin just laughed and hurried on ahead of the group. The cat destroyed a wooden door and sunlight began to shine into the battlefield. "This is the way out." Hatapon spoke softly.

Bang! Bang! Bang! There was a loud knock at the large oak brown doors of the mighty bastion. Ravenous opened them slowly and peered round to see what decided to disrupt his training. A bonedeth was stood their looking really worn out. He spoke with a frustrated tone. "Dettankarmen has been taken down and Slogturtle has had to retreat master Ravenous." The raven stared at the troop with a confused look on his face. "Wait what?" He exclaimed. "What is that thing you spoke about and who is slog whatever?" An old and tired voice spoke at that moment. "I... Am... Slog... Whatever... But... It... Is... Pronounced... Slogturtle..." A dark hero wearing a helmet in the shape of a turtle shell appeared beside the bonedeth troop, adjacent to him was a shield that was at least triple his size. Ravenous' eyes lit up at this rare item. He stepped aside and opened the door slightly wider to let in his new found ally.

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