I smirk. "What are you going to do with me? Big, bad football player."

"I'm a Christian and even if I wasn't, I wouldn't take advantage of a drunk woman." He said.

I giggle. "You're boring."

"Lets just go." He helps me to his truck. Once we're in, he starts the truck and starts driving.

"Mommy and daddy won't mind me?" I say to him as I rest my head against the window.

"My parents will probably kill me. But it's nothing they've never seen before. I used to be a party boy too." He said. "What were you doing at that bar, especially on a school night? I never imagined you as a party girl."

Tears start forming in my eyes. "I'm not a party girl... I was at the car... bar... because my mom is a drunk... She makes me buy illegal stuff from... Blake..." I start crying. "Blake is a pervert..." I cry.

Ethan looks at me for a second then focuses on the road. "Woah Penny, what does he do to you?" He said.

More tears fall from my eyes. "I can't... talk about it..."

"Penny does he, does he attack you?" He looks at me once we hit a red light.

I nod. "He took it easy on me tonight. He just had me drink... Other nights... he's not so nice. He has me do disturbing things. I, I just can't talk about it." I sob.

He rubs his head, his eyes full of worry and concern. "Did you tell someone, the police." He said.

"Who are they going to believe? A 17 year old... or a forty year old man?" I said.

"Oh Pen, I'm so sorry." He reaches over and rubs my shoulder. If I wasn't drunk I would probably smack his hand away. But his touch is so comforting.

"My life is a living H, E, double hockey sticks!" I say.

Ethan slams his fist in the steering wheel, making me jump. "This is just disgusting. You shouldn't have to go through this. How could someone do this to such a sweet girl like you." He pauses. "You know what? I'm going to turn your life around. You're going to have the best life ever that you wouldn't know what to do. You deserve so much better. I promise I will try my hardest to make your life better. You're going to forget about about your past everything. I promise everything will be okay." He reaches over and wipes my tears away with his thumb. I smile. He's such a sweet guy.

The next day, I was up with a killer hangover. Everything after the car ride was a blur. I groan when I get sit up on the bed, I'm still in my dirty clothing from yesterday so that means I didn't try to do anything with Ethan.

Thank goodness.

I look at the end of the bed and see a long sleeved shirt laying at the end of it. He's letting barrow another one of his shirts? He's so sweet.

I get off of the bed and feel dizzy. I almost fall to the ground but big arms surround me and keep me on my feet.

"Woah, easy there." I hear Ethan's voice.

"Oh my gosh Ethan, I am so, so, sorry about last night." I break away from his arms. I am so embarrassed.

"It's okay. I'm just glad I can help. Only God knows what would've happened to you." He said.

"I don't deserve this." I said quietly.

"You're right. You deserve so much better." He smiles.

"That's not what I meant, I... W-why are you doing this for me?" I ask.

"I want to make up from the years that I've been a jerk, that you've been alone. You think you deserve being raped by an old man? No you don't. I want to make you happy Penelope." He said.

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