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Seeing Eligos captured Mirabella made my blood boiled. I tried to get Mirabella but something had bound me to the floor. Binding spell. I hadn't foreseen this. It would be my fault if Mirabella's hurt. He had grown stronger in just a little time. I tried cancelling Eligos' damned magic but it would take time--

"Let go of me!" Mirabella struggled. Eligos only laughed and tightened the grip around her neck, making her gasping for air.

Seeing her like that, the word devastated seemed like nothing. The emotion surging in me was much viler than I had felt earlier.

Sensing that his magic was cancelled, Eligos turned immediately to me.

"How did you--"

"What? Have I surprised you?" I said, lifting the dressing table in the chamber with my mind and threw at him. Which he dodged easily. "I won't want to know what you're facing right now."

Without waiting for his response, I went at him with super speed and snatched Mirabella away from him. With less care of what happened around me, I grabbed his head and smashed it down to the floor. All I could think about was kill, kill and kill when I did that to Eligos.

The bloodlust that I was trying to control all the time was beginning to take control of me. And for once, I gave in. I smashed his head a few times, but it didn't break. It was hard, to crack open his head. Infuriated, I kicked him hard at the stomach, so hard it sent him away to the other side of the room.

I was having fun, I admitted. I felt good, so good. I felt too good--

"Leo!" Mirabella grabbed my arm from the back, snapping me out of my bloodlust. Just by her touch and her voice could pull me back to reality. "Are you okay? You just... your eyes. Just now, they went black all over. It was like you have lost your self-control."

That was the last thing I wanted her to know. I exhaled. "It's nothing. Sorry for frightening you." I turned to her. I wasn't surprised to see her scared fCe after she saw my bloodlust taking over me. "Please look after Calamity."

Her face softened a little. She nodded and went off to Calamity. I turned around to go to Eligos' direction when I saw he struggled to stand up.

"You, son of Astrelham!" He was beyond furious. He was covered with severe wounds yet still got the strength to stand up.

By this time, I couldn't tell the difference between strong and plainly stupid.

"You sure are strong." I said calmly, while glaring at him. He was about to cast his spell at me but was cut short. I landed several powerful punches and kicks at him.

He growled. "You bastard! Eoten!"

The earth crumbled soon after he shouted and suddenly, a ten-foot tall, bull-headed monster appeared beside Eligos. It was not just any monster. It was known for its powerful fire-breath that could burn all, including demons. Eoten, one of the deadly monsters in the demon realm.

"Behold, Leonard! My greatest minion!" He grinned an evil grin. "Bring me the girl." He spoke to that monster and it simply obeyed.

I couldn't believe he could control the monster. The only one person that could control them was my father. It didn't occur in my mind that someone would be able to control them. That power freak Eligos was so dead!

It was just a moment when the monster returned and brought someone with it. I was shocked to see the 'girl' Eligos referred to was the animal girl, Cristinia. Then Eligos beckoned at the monster to restrain my movement. It happened so fast! I tried to fight back but it was so strong and fast; I couldn't escape.

"You see, Leonard, unlike you and the other demons, I could simply get stronger by stealing power and life force of someone. Before I get my hands on your half-demon, she," he lifted up the animal girl by grabbing her neck, "will be the sacrifice."

"Let... go!" Cristinia croaked and still managed to shriek, but was simply ignored by Eligos. Eligos was starting to suck out her magic and life force of her, making her look paler and weaker.

"You ought to be honoured, you worthless mortal, that you are the one who is picked by me for the restoration of my power." Eligos smirked, feeling proud. "Such a power for a mortal--"

Out of nowhere, thunder clashed and there, appeared a demoness with sword in front of us and attacked Eligos. Eligos immediately let go of Cristinia, just to defend himself. Because of that, Cristinia was unconscious. The demoness with horns and dark wings looked extremely furious.

But when I looked carefully, she wasn't just any demoness. She was Mirabella who had fully transformed into her demon self and had a complete control of her power.

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