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The moment I was in the mortal world, I rushed to Rothilion's house. Didn't bother to knock on his door at this moment. I just rushed into the house like it was my house.

And there she was, standing motionless when she saw me.


I sensed a weird, yet familiar vibe from her coming from her. I never forgot the sensation of her demon power. Wild and strong. But this time, it was calmer and stronger than before. She could control her power now. The strong look in her face was the proof.

And she was more beautiful than ever. Her face was getting rosy as she looked at me. There were people in the room, whispering and murmuring but my eyes were focused only at Mirabella.

Eventually, she creased her eyebrows and went closer. And when she got closer, she kicked my knee. Hard. It was surprisingly painful and yet, I chose to not react to it. My instinct told me that she would hit me more if I moved even a little. But it was funny to see her face when she tried to resist the pain on her foot.

"You stupid demon!" She said. "You sealed my power, hid the fact from me for years, left me into thinking you were dead! And you didn't even tell me when you had the chance?"

That was surprising. Never thought she would say that. I thought she was going to cry but she didn't. Head strong and stone-hearted this one. Not like any mortal girl I met. She was... different, and I liked it.

"You really are something else." I said quietly.

"Did you say something?" she said angrily, and it looked like she was trying to hide the blush on her face.

"You made her mad, Leonard." Someone interrupted. It was Jerome. He was leaning against the wall. "You shouldn't do that. You know what it's like when she went berserk."

I smirked at him. Never thought he would be here. "It's been a while, Jerome. Oh, trust me. I know it." I turned to Mirabella. "Very well."

Mirabella narrowed her eyes, and she decided to turn away from me, while cursing under her breath. It seemed to me she was trying to not think of anything. She was hiding something from me.

"I will find out soon." I smirked at her.

She just blushed and went away, to a place where I couldn't read her mind.

"What happened?" Rothilion finally asked and all eyes were on me.

"Eligos has a bit of Calamity's power. And he is after Mirabella. I am here to protect her. You all should prepare." I warned them.

"Good thing you are here." A female elf said. She seemed familiar, and suddenly, realization hit me like a wrecking ball. She was high-elf Ardreth's sister, Verrona. An old friend of mine. "We need someone strong enough to handle someone like Eligos."

It was true what Verrona said. Eligos was far superior than any mortal could be. He already proved what he was capable of in front me. It would be difficult to stop him if he got his hands on Mirabella.

"Hope it's not too late for us to stop him."


Everyone else was asleep, tired of their endless training by Verrona. She could be cruel sometime. And I never once saw Mirabella on training ground. It gave me idea that she was avoiding me.

I went out, searching for her. After years of watching over her, I knew that she really liked to hide behind a big and wide tree. And I was right. There she was, hiding behind one of the big trees in Oemm Grove. She was looking at her toes, completely focused on her thought that she didn't even hear when I was walking towards her.

As I walked closer towards her, her thoughts became clearer to me. And I found out what she was hiding from me.


She turned immediately to me, shocked when she heard my voice.


She backed off, totally embarrassed, and ran away, again. But this time, I could capture her before she got too far, and we ended up in front of a small abandoned cottage deeper inside Oemm Grove. A familiar vibe still lingered to this place. A vibe that belonged to the deceased. The cottage was Ardreth's.

Mirabella tried to escape but I firmed my grip on her arm, without hurting her. "Why are you running away from me? You know it's dangerous out here. Eligos can be anywhere."

"You found out." She spoke at last.

"I told you earlier this day." I brought her into the cottage. "I will find out, and I have."

She stayed quiet. I was afraid that she would run off again, but she didn't. She lingered in the cottage instead. Fascinated by the interior of the cottage, she started to examine everything. The things inside Ardreth's house were untouched. Like someone had been taking care of the house ever since they were gone.

Verrona must've taken care of this place.

"It was Ardreth's." I said, and Mirabella looked at me, wanting me to tell more. "He and your father were best of friends. Before you were born, they have this some kind of obsession to travel across the continent and fight anything they could lay their hands on. Probably their way to be stronger. I met them when they tried to enter the demon realm. They were really strong, especially your father. Calamity was attracted to him when she first saw him in the demon realm. And later on, she was dying to know Percival. That's why she came to him here in this realm."

She smiled, interested in the story. It was the first smile I had seen this day. It was refreshing.

"I didn't make it up. My thoughts that you've just read." She said, finally. "It was an illusion my demon self created."

"You didn't like it?" I came to her.

She was silent. Then I heard her thoughts: It was not the right time.

I turned her over, so she could look at me. Then I realized that I wanted it to happen. Whatever her demon self's illusion, I wanted it to happen.

"Maybe, now is the only time we have."

I placed my lips on her tender lips. She gasped but didn't pull away. Deep down, she wanted it to happen, too. She kissed back and I decided to deepen the kiss. Pulling her towards me, playing with her soft and smooth hair, tracing my hands onto her curvaceous body; the sensation was too good.

I picked her up, still kissing her, and brought her to the bedroom. Placing her on the nice bed, I began to rip off her clothes. She murmured my name, which made me want to want her more. I cupped her breasts, touched them as delicately as I could, abandoned whatever I was wearing, and I pushed into her.

Both of us already made our choices, and decided there was no turning back. 

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