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I was resting under a dead tree in this barren land. This barren land covered most of the demon realm. There was nothing more in the demon realm, except for some old ruins that other weaker demons used to hide, to devour their prey. Most of their preys were mortals who were stupid enough to enter demon realm.

I grew tired in here, in the demon realm. There was nothing besides war among the demons. Even my father, Astrelham, grew tired of it. But he was still feared by the demons here. All I did here was assisting Calamity, the second to strongest demoness, and to guard the land here. There were other demons that guarded here but I had to, since I was one of the stronger demons. Plus, this part of the land was connected to the mortal world.

Then, the land shook. There was only one explanation for this; someone had entered the demon realm. The other demons were making noises, saying they would devour the mortal who dared to step in this land. I could sense the mortal. And it was for this mortal had been gone to and fro the demon realm.


I sighed. He hadn't come here for six years since her daughter had born. The half-demon. Calamity had asked me to be her guardian. I had never seen Calamity like that; begging me for something.

He came to me, panting hardly. I'd never seen him like this before, with anxiety and fear plaster on his face.

"Royale. Surely you didn't come here to see Calamity." I stated.

Before Calamity left their daughter with him, he always came here to see Calamity, knowing that Calamity was forbid to enter the mortal realm. He even had the guts to go against my father, the demon lord. Stubborn he was.

"No. I come here for something else." He said. "It's about Mirabella. You're her guardian, right. Surely you can do something about her."

"The daughter of yours? Why?"

"I can't find the right word to describe it. You have to come with me." He said. I nodded and went off.


When we reached Adreinn, we went straight to the castle. The garden of the castle was a wreck. The big white fountain at the center of the garden was in smithereens. Water originally from the fountain was spraying all over. Trees were burned down. The surrounding was covered by fire. The earth was shaking as if something or someone big was jumping on the ground.

Percival tensed beside me. I, on the other hand, was used to this atmosphere. The atmosphere here was a lot like in the demon realm, though it was always night and dark there. The moon there was a lot different than in the mortal world, too. The moon in the demon realm was blood red.

I looked for the sign of people around here. There was nothing but a boy, lying on the ground. He looked about ten or older. I neared the boy. He was still alive, though. There was no one who could stand this atmosphere. I looked carefully at the boy. There was something familiar about him. The same strong face―

"Son of Ardreth? What is he doing here?" I turned to Percival.

"I can't believe you know Ardreth, let alone his son, Leonard." He knelt and picked the boy up.

"Of course I knew Ardreth. He, by himself destroyed five stronger demons, Astrelham's minions. And this boy," I pointed the boy, "he looked exactly like Ardreth. He has the same strong face of him."

Ardreth Clarenbald, the high-elf, was strong enough to par with me but less stronger than Percival. Percival nearly killed me with his elemental power alone. I still couldn't believe that a mortal could have a power that could surpass demons.

"Ardreth and Daphnia were killed by Eligos. As their friend, I should take care of their son, Dane." He said.

"That power-obsessed freak killed them? How corrupted will he get?" I said, disgusted.

Eligos was much stronger than Percival, who was stronger than me. He didn't stand a chance against my father, though. I didn't understand why he wanted so much power despite his strength and power.

Then, there was a sudden thunder behind us. We both turned around to find a little girl with horns on each side of her head and dark wings on her back. I could sense a greater and dark sensation coming from her. Her face said it all; the murderous look.

"That little demoness over there, is it Mirabella?" I said to Percival.

"Yes. That's why I called you here. Fix her. She's strong. Even I couldn't restrain her. She almost stole my power."

"She could do that?" I was quite amazed. As expected from the one who inherited Calamity's power. "At this age, she already can use the memory manipulation? What makes her awaken so fast?"

"Eligos wanted to take Mirabella's power. But he accidentally hurt Dane badly in front of her at the south barrier. I was there and I quickly brought them back. And this happened." He told me. "Just fix her, and make her and everyone who had seen it forget that she has the power."

"You ask for it." I said.

I went towards the girl. She struggled when I grabbed her hands and pushed her against the ground. Percival was telling the truth; she was strong.

Then, she stopped struggling. She just looked straight at me with her violet eyes. I didn't know why, but I was attracted to her eyes as if it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

Despite that, I had no choice but to seal her power. I sealed her memory of using the power and also the ability to use it.

"This seal is not permanent." I told Percival. "One day, she will awaken completely and become even stronger than today. Let's just hope that she won't go out of control with her demoness power or else, she will destroy this mortal realm."

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