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Jump, he said. I looked down, hoping that I would see something at the bottom of the trench. Unfortunately, it was a bottomless pit. I couldn't see the ground as it was so dark, and Leo said 'jump'. That didn't make me feel any better. I wished Verrona was here but she and Rothilion preferred to stay in Oemm Grove, to protect it, just in case our plan to get rid of Eligos didn't go well.

I was getting anxious when Leo nodded at me, his way of saying it's okay. I slowly rested my left arm beside me, when I realized that I was clutching the sword's hilt on my back.

"Jump?" Cristinia shrieked, her voice pierced and echoed in the air. "You're telling us to jump into the realm? It's dangerous! You're tricking us so you demons could get our lives, aren't you?"

"You stupid mortal. Who wants your lives anyway? I had enough of feeding on mortals. I would rather lay arounnd lazily in the my realm than do that stupid thing." He spat. Like everyone else, he was extremely irritated with her. "And of course, those who went into the Yllgoën Realm never came back. Those scoundrels didn't know Yllgoën Realm is the entrance to my realm."

The others widened their eyes when they learned the truth about the realm. I read it once in my father's journal. Of course, Jerry knew it too, since Jerry was the one who made the hole behind the dressing table. He knew and had read all the forbidden books and journals that I stole from the castle's library. But he just stayed quiet, probably to avoid questions.

"You knew this?" Ivetta looked at me. Her voice was shaking. "Maven?"

I exhaled. "Yes. That's why I sneaked out of the castle. That's why I went alone."

There was a silence. No one dared to say anything once the truth was revealed. Everyone was caught up with their own thoughts when suddenly someone decided to speak.


"So, Leonard..." he began. "Will we die if we step into the demon realm?"

"Yes." He said without hesitation, making everyone turned to him, terrified. But then he added, "But since there is a trace of Mirabella's demonic power in yours, it makes you stronger. It will at least help you to endure the condition in the realm."

All of them sighed in relief. Feeling glad of what Leo told them. And for a moment, I felt that they were thankful to me when I accidentally stole their power.

But maybe, it must be a trick of kind.

"For crying out loud." I snapped, getting really, really impatient. "If you're not going to move from your spot, I will go first."

I jumped.

They cried out to me when they realized that I had jumped. It happened so fast, I thought that my life was flashing before me. Before I could think of anything, the whole dark and bottomless trench changed, and I was in the sky, falling.

I was about to reach the ground, and thanks for my reflexes, I could swiftly touch the ground with both my feet and stand up, as if the fall was a child's play.

I examined around me. I was standing in a barren land that reached to the horizon of this land, in a middle of nowhere. There was nothing here. Nothing at all.

"Welcome to the demon realm." Someone said. Leo. He was already here, with the others. "You should wait for us."

I looked at him like he was out of his mind. I was not going to stand around hearing their bickering up there, getting impatient--

A loud inhuman cry screeched in the air. I looked up towards the direction of the sound and from afar, I saw a herd of wonged creatures flew towards us.

Talk about timing.

"Go." Jerry said. "We'll handle it here. Plus, the four of us can't wait to test the power bestowed by my little cousin."
"My little cousin?"

We were on the way to Calamity's tower when Leo thought it would be the best time to talk.

"What?" I glared at him. "That's what he calls me every time."

"Well," he smiled a lopsided smile and shrugged, "you are little. A curvaceous little half-demon."

I wanted to get mad at him, but the way he said every word was extremely seductive. And I didn't know why I thought that. His appearance was quite sexy, though. I almost didn't recognize him when he first got there, in Rothilion's house, with his strong demon form.

"Eh, is that so?" He said, smirking.

I completely forgot, this one read minds.

"Yes. But I instantly knew it was you when I look into your eyes. No one is capable to have that cold-looking eyes."

"Shut up." He glared at me. I had to bite my lip to keep me from laughing out lout. "We're here."

We were now standing in front of the tower. I had neck pain just from looking at the tower. It was tall. Leo broughy me inside. One thing I hated was that Calamity was in her chamber, so Leo had said. And in order to get to her room, we had to climb the narrow spiral stairs all the way to the top. I had to cling to Leo so I would not fall down from the deadly stairs.

When we finally reached her chamber, all I could see was blood and feather.

Feather? That's weird.

Pushing aside that thought, I continued to search for Calamity when my eyes caught something. A winged creature, unconscious, and chained against the grey wall. The view was enough to make my eyes widened.

"Calamity!" Leo shouted, going to her side.

Calamity? I was dumbfounded. The same elegant face, the same figure.

She was the woman in the portrait back in the castle.

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