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As soon as I stepped into the pentagram that Rothilion had drawn, the room immediately shifted into pure darkness. There was no light at all but as my eyes adjusted to the dark, I could see a woman far ahead, standing with her back at me. I went through this not long ago, so I knew where this lead to.

"Mirabella!" Verrona shouted at me. She even grabbed my arm to stop me. "You can't do this. I know you're strong but it could still harm you!"

They were slightly taken aback by my action. They probably thought that I would have mental breakdown from what Jerry had told me. But I couldn't just freak out to every story they told, could I?

"Princess, what if you don't survive?" Ivetta said, with a sad face.

Hearing that, I began to scan everyone in the room. Everyone was looking at me; waiting for me to answer Ivetta. The face Cristinia made looked like she was restraining herself from stopping me. It was no different with Lawrence, though I found it rather unbelievable.

"If I didn't do this, you won't get your powers back." I stated.

"You really want to do this?" Jerry asked. He looked so vulnerable; I wanted to comfort him right this moment. From the look at it, he was having a second thought, rejecting the idea of me, stepping into the pentagram.

I nodded. "I will be okay, I promise. Do you forget I am? I am the daughter of the strongest mortal that came from one of the greatest lineage." I walked towards the pentagram. "And please, I go by Maven." Then I stepped into the pentagram, ignoring their cries.

I sighed to the thought. I continued to walk towards the figure as I could see it clearly than before. She wore a torned-up dark purple dress, barefooted. She was humming a sweet yet creepy sound.

"I was waiting for you. Mirabella, the half-demon." She said, her voice was sweet.

"Who are you, I may ask?" I asked, tried to sound cool.

She then laughed a wicked laugh. She opened her dark wings that I didn't notice before, and soared up high. Looking down, she smirked in a sickening way as possible. I widened my eyes as I examined her face. She looked just like me, except for the murderous look on her face.

"Who am I?" She threw the question back at me. "I am the personification of your power, that was sealed by Leonard, son of the demon lord Astrelham. I am your demon self."

She gave me the shivers as she explained to me what she really was. My instinct told me it was a bad idea to communicate with her but I had no choice.

"Then, you must have my friends' powers." I said, gathering up courage to talk to her. "I want you to return it to them."

"That's it?" She said. "Are you sure you only want that? I know for sure that you want to control your power. And I know for sure that I want Leonard."

I accidentally gasped when I heard Leo's name being spoken. Upon seeing my face, she smirked even bigger, knowing that she had hit the bullseye. She took advantage of the situation and plucked her finger.

The whole space changed and Leo was in front of me all the sudden. I knew it was some kind of illusion the demoness had made and yet, I couldn't help but overjoy just by seeing Leo again.

Leo kissed me deeply, passionately as if the world was falling apart and we were the only people in the world before the whole world broke down. I pulled myself closer to him, to feel his embrace and the warmth of his body.

I buried my hand in his soft hair as I let myself feel his perfect kiss. His hand traced along my body; from my cheek down to my chest, and it lingered there.

He pinned my to the ground and began to rip of my clothes. Cupping my breasts and kissing my whole body. Just as he wanted to push into me, I stopped him.

"No." I said. "This is not right. I have no time for this. I have to learn to control my power."

Then the whole place turned into a dark place all over again, leaving me and my nasty little demon, who was smiling down at me.

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