chapter 20

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Harmony's p.o.v

I woke up the next day & decided too meet up with Shay.

she somewhat looks like me, in the face.

she has blue eyes & blonde hair.

she's really skinny & she sent me a video of her doing a three pointer.

she's amazing at basketball.

I'm quite jealous, I might ask her too teach me her goddess skills.

I grabbed my phone & pulled up Shay's contact.

I clicked the message icon & started typing," hey, wanna meet up?

you can teach me those goddess like skills. " I sent that & then walked into the bathroom.

Luke & everybody went back too the bus earlier because they were having a meet & greet later.

I walked into the bathroom & took a shower.

I decided too wear some shorts today.

I pulled on denim jeans with lace at the bottom of them, I then grabbed a lacy shirt, I slid on my lacy Tom's.

I didn't know what too wear!

good thing she text me back.

" yeah, the park? " she asked.

" good. what do I wear? "

" I'll bring you clothes, what size do you wear? "

" I wear a 1. " I answered.

" ohh, never mind. I'm a 3! do you have a sports bra? you can wear denim jeans, wear tennis shoes, well, you probably won't wear shoes knowing you. " she replied.

" yeah, I have a sports bra & I also have Under Armor shorts, I'll wear my Nike shoes.! meet you their in 20? " I replied & took my shirt off & slipped on a black sports bra.

I slipped on my black & white Under Armor shorts & my black & white Nike's.

I took my car too the park, my phone in hand, & also a pair of clothes too change into.

" hey! " she yelled as I stepped out of my car.

" hey! " I replied.

how could she be a three!

she has a perfect flaw stomach, little thighs!

everybody's built different.

you can sit your keys with my jacket right here.

which I did.

" okay, put your elbow like this. " she said adjusting my elbow.

I was trying too shoot a three point.

" shoot. " she said.

I jumped & shot the ball.

" BOOM SHAKALAKA BOOM! " I yelled & jumped because I made it.

I did a cartwheel, backflip & toe touch, that's how happy I was.

" wow, how'w you do that! " she asked.

" magiccc. " I laughed.

" you're pretty good a basketball too. " Shay said.

" thank you! wanna go too the mall? " I asked.

" yeah, can you come by my house?

I walked, can I have a ride? " she said.

" yeah! " I said & grabbed my keys off her jacket.

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