chapter 17

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Harmony's p.o.v

I woke up the next day & was lucky too awake before the boys.

I walked into the bathroom & washed my face.

I dried my face & quickly took a five minute shower, not knowing when they'll wake up.

thank God I showered in the one in my room.

I grabbed a high waisted baby blue skirt, a black crop top, a white blazer jacket & my black high heels.

I won't cry today.

I won't.

I walked back into the bathroom & turned on my curling iron.

I put on my foundation & mascara, some lipgloss too.

the boys woke up right as I started curling my hair.

Luke came in, followed by Beau & Jai.

" hey. " Jai said.

" hi. " I said as I curled another piece of hair.

" we'll see you at the studio okay? " Luke said.

" okay, bye. " I said as I tossed a curl behind my shoulder & finished curling my hair.

I grabbed a RedBull & my iPhone.

I got a baby blue iPhone the other day.

I have Paul walk the dogs everyday!


I walked out as Paul was letting the dogs back in.

he had the keys, so he locked it.

I walked into the studio/ stage concert place & was drinking my RedBull.

" HEY HARMONY! " Beau yelled, oh god.

" HEY BEAU. " I yelled back as I shut the Instagram app off.

" come dance with us! "

" I don't dance, sorry. " I laughed.

he didn't care, he grabbed my arm & pulled me with him.

I put my phone & drink on some chair.

Beau started shimming on me.

I was covering my smile with my hands.

he then grabbed my hands & made me go back on him.

" oh my god. " I laughed.

" jealous? " he asked.

" totally. " I answered.

" aye, you found us. " Luke yelled.

" he found me. " I said laughing.

" BLUE IPHONE! " Skip yelled.

" no,no, back it up. " I laughed & Skip took off running with it.

" oh god. " I said & sat my heels down.

I ran after him.

"give it back, butt head! " I yelled.

I had him trapped, well, I did until Jai grabbed me & let him run by.

" you butt face! " I said.

Skip fell & I ran & got my phone.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

" I need a pass code. " I mumbled as I seen he was on my Twitter.

" I see you followed yourself. " I said.

" I did, I did. " he said.

" nice. " I said as I closed the app off.

" I'm bored, okay? no, it's not okay. " I said.

" can you dance like Shakira? "

" I don't know. " I said.

" you &.. Luke can have a dance challenge.

we'll dare you. " James suggested.

" as long as I'm not bored." I said standing up.

" hold on.

I have a good song for you two. " Beau said & hooked his phone up too the speakers.

it was Wet The Bed by Chris Brown.

I threw my hands over my mouth.

" oh god. " Luke laughed.


Luke started, he was being funny.

Beau came up behind me & moved me hips, I jumped.

" do it.! " Skip shouted so I started dancing like Shakira.

I was mentally smacking myself.

it ended & I said," that was okay. "

" & you said you couldn't dance. " Luke scoffed.

" you were better then me. " I laughed.

" you want the ass. " he said smacking his butt.

" oh, yes I do. " I said.

" tbh I've not danced like this. " I laughed.

" Harmony! Simons here.

he wants you. " Paul yelled.

" well, I'm probably gonna die.

I love you all! " I laughed as I grabbed my things & walked out.

" those boys make you really happy? " Simon asked, as I had a huge smile on my face.

" yeahh. " I answered slipping my shoes on.

I drank my RedBull & threw it away.

I sat down with my phone in my hand.

" are you dating one? " he asked.

" noo. " I answered.

" who do you like? " he asked.

" Lukee. " I whispered.

he nodded.

" are they waiting by the door.? " I asked.

he nodded & laugh.

" you think they heard me? " I whispered.

he nodded his head as a no.

" okay, are we done? " I asked, the RedBull kicking in.

" believe so. " he nodded.

" you perform in an hour! " Simon yelled as I walked out.

" okay. " I said & closed the door.

after an hour of goofing around with my favorite boys, after my amazing concert, Luke & I were alone.

" I heard you liked me. " he said looking down.

" a little Birdy told me. " he added.

" the bird? who may that be? " I laughed.

" I can't tell. " he said.

" maybee. " I answered.

" I like you too. " he said.

" oh. " I said.

" wanna go out? " he said looking at me.

" of course! " I yelled, blushing after I realized I yelled.

" girlfriend, ready too leave? " he asked.

" boyfriend, I am. " I laughed.

he grabbed my hand & we both got on our different buses & texted each other the hole night.

Author's Note;

Shay ily.

Olivia, you so coot!


haven't had it all week. 💕

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