Give Me Love

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hey.. my names Harmony Faith.. I don't have a last name.

Faith is my middle name, but I don't have faith in life anymore.

I'm 16 & I've been at this orphanage since I was 4 day's old.

I have brown hair & brown hair.

I'm quite skinny, I don't eat a lot.

it's not that I do it on purpose, I just don't eat every meal I should.

I probably eat 1 1/2 of a meal out of three that we have here.

" HARMONY FAITH COME TO THE OFFICE." Lucy Ann yelled over the inner- come..

what'd I'd get blamed for this time?

"Harmony Faith, this couple would like to adopt you.

get whatever you have packed & say goodbye to whoever." Lucy Ann said & went back to talking to the couple..

they, they looked rich?

why would someone rich want me?

I walked to my room here & grabbed my suitcase & packed the three pants & shirts I had.

I didn't have friends, I didn't have to say bye to anyone..

I walked down to the couple & looked at my hands.

"Hi, Harmony Faith! I'm Veronica Jade.

this is my husband, Matthew Jade." Veronica, introduced herself.

"I'm Harmony.." I stated the obvious.

" I know, darling.

well, let's go shopping.

if your moving in, you need clothes & everything!" she said jumping for joy.

"your gonna make my debit card cry, Veronica." Matthew laughed.

"haha, funny." she said & then added," come on, guys! let's go."

I followed behind both of them.

"well, you'll have two siblings. I have two younger daughter. Victoria & Tori. they're both 5. " she said while looking at me.

I nodded, not really knowing what to say.

"okay, we're here, anything you want or need, tell me!" she said & grabbed my arm pulling me into a cell phone store.

"what color?" she asked pointing at the iPhone 5c's.

"um, pink." I said & let her talk to the service guy.

"okay, here you go. it's set up and everything." she said coming back about 10 minutes from talking to the guy.

"thank you." I said.

"now to Claire's for a purse & phone case!" she said & pulled my across the mall.

" I know you like something, here's a cart. feel it up!" she said and shoved one of those Claire carts in my hand.

I nodded & walked over to the phone cases, I grabbed one that like a camera and put it in my cart.

I walked over to the purses & grabbed an extremely cute purse, it was black, it also hung off my shoulder with a long string.

I decided that's all I wanted.

I walked up to Veronica & then we checked out.

"you don't have to be shy, dear." she said as we put up the cart things.

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