Chapter 1: Ed Sheeran, baby.

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As I turned around to see what the twins were looking at, there stood the most handsome ginger in the world.

Ed Sheeran.

"Hey, I'm Ed Sheeran." he introduced himself in a cool way manner.

"I'm Harmony.." I answer, surprised about how I didn't stutter when I  answered.

"Harmony, don't you listen to Ed's music." Tori asked me.

I slightly nodded,I don't know why, but I was embarrassed

"oh, yeah? What's your favorite song?" he asked.

" I like You Need Me, I Don't Need You. they're all amazing though." I answered.

I'm having  conversation with Ed Sheeran.

My Instagram went off, it was a notification that someone had liked my selfie I put on there.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket & unlocked the screen.

I looked on Instagram, & I had 796 followers.

I follow a lot of people, only hoping they also follow back.

I closed off the app and put my phone back into my pocket.

"Harmony, Ed is a friend of ours. " Veroncia told us as she started passing food around the table.

Everyone took something from each plate.

I've never ate this much..

I probably won't even each everything, but I can at least try.

I started to eat my stake, it was really small, so I still had room for my salad.

Once I finished that, I ate some corn, I was getting full.

I don''t like mac & cheese, I didn't put those on my plate.

I ate a roll & then I told everyone I was finished and then I put my plate in the sink & went back too my room.

It was around, 8 when I got finished with dinner.

yep, this family, I have now are some slow eaters.

I still can't believe Ed Sheeran is in my house.

In my living room, oh my god.

I opened my bedroom door & walked in..

I looked out the window & noticed it started pouring the rain.

It wasn't only raining, it was lightening, thunder, everything.

The worst storm I've ever seen in my life.

there was a knock on my door, I opened it and it was Victoria.

"Ed's staying here because of the storm!" she whispered

" thank you! wanna get Tori & we play since it's storming?" I asked her & she nodded & ran off.

I left my door open, waiting for them to come back.

they came back moments later, not only did she have Tori, she also had Ed.

oh my goodness! Ed Sheeran's in my room. I'm holding in so much fan-girl.

" we meet again." I said as I laid my phone on my bed and walked over to the elevator.

" come on Ed!' Victoria shouted & grabbed his hand pulling him to the elevator.

I clicked, floor 5, a.k.a the game room.

The elevator dinged, meaning we have came to our destination.

since I left my phone upstairs, or down stairs? I don't know which way we went, I had no choice but to ask Ed what time it was..

" what time is it? " I asked as I looked at the twins, getting tired.

" it's 10.. " he answered putting his phone back into his pocket.

" thanks.. " I answered.

"welcome.." he replied..

"Victoria, Tori are you ready for bed?" I laughed as Tori fell asleep on a motercycle came.

"yesss... " Veroncia answered.

Tori woke up & walked to the elevator.

We went back to my room & everyone left, besides Ed..

" can I get your, um, number?' Ed asked.. I could tell he was somewhat embarrassed.

" oh, yeah.." I answered & started telling him my number.

"thanks.. do you happen to know where the guest room is?

that's where the twins said they were taking me, but I can tell this isn't the guest room. " he somewhat laughed.

" oh, yeah. it's down here." I said & walked out my door & right across the hall.

" thank you. " he answered & walked in.

I walked to my room & I opened my laptop & logged on to Twitter.

I decided to make a Tweet, " I just met @edsheeran .. best dayy." & then I hit tweet.

I then had a mention pop up, Ed Sheeran followed me & replied, " I just met @harmonyyfaith .. best day.. xD " & then my followers kept going up, and up, and up some more.

I turned the Twitter notification's off in my phone settings.

I decided it was time for a shower, I grabbed some yoga pants, & a white shirt, also my panties & bra.

I plugged my phone in and walked into the bathroom, I turned on the shower and let it warm up while I opened up a razor, I always shave my legs.

I put the soap in the shower & laid a towel on the sink.

I gt in and washed myself with my step 1 and step 2 shampoo. I also washed my body, duhh. (:

I turned the shower off & wrapped the towel around my body and one around my hair.

I dried myself off & got dressed.

I left my hair in my towel & used makeup remover to remove my mascara that was under my eyes.

my hair doesn't take long to dry, it was dry within twenty minutes.

I put my towels in the dirty hamper, checked my phone once, thir was a text from Ed..

" goodnight, beautiful. " I almost screamed, but replied with a " goodnight."

and that night.. I went to bed with a smile on my face, happy with my life.

Author's note:

Here's chapter 1.

how's everyone liking it?

vote, comment, don't forget to fan-girl.

love you all, awkward turtles.

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