Sold for money

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Hello readers, thx for choosing my first book please vote for the 1st chapter and comment😃😄😃😜


Hi my name is Lexi , Lexi Harrington . I am only 16, and still in highschool. My family owns a shop that's barely making it until something happens....

"LEXI,LEXI GET DOWN HERE!!! " said dad
"yes dad.What is it ? I need you to go get some supplies.ok."

When I was coming from the supplies store a black Mercedes was passing by. And while I was walking across the Mercedes zoomed across trying to run me over and making me drop all the supplies.

i was so angry until the car stopped , a person came out saying are you ok ,but right next to him was a tall male person dressed In a black suit.
"No need to help her"said the tall man

"but mr. eaton what if she has any injuries" says the kind gentle man right beside the jerk

"Just leave her, don't waste my time now"said mr. eaton if that's his real last name.

While they were leaving I yelled
then he laughed a little, like with a smirk on his face. But he still drove off.

As soon as I got home I saw my parents wimping in terror. Mom,Dad, i'm home . When I got toward the living room my parents were drowning in tears.

"Lexi, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We lost everything , I had to do what I had to do."
Then the front door opened.....

When the door opened I saw the same man that didn't apologize to me. My face was so mad, all I was thinking about was that he didn't apologize to me. But when I shifted my head to the right I saw how my parents was shaking as if they were in terror when they saw this man.
"Mom who is this"as I said with a wondering face.
Mom standed with dad and came forward to hug me me. Dad said "we are sorry, we had a big debt and couldn't pay it off , so we sold you off to the richest person in California.
"Blake Eaton" my mom said. When I turned my head to Blake, tears started to crawl down my eyes. I thought in my head how could my parents done this, and why they had to sell me.I mean I didn't have my first boyfriend or even a kiss.

Next thing you know it Blake grabbed my hand
"lets go we have no time to waste". Blake said as if this was joy able to him.
"I'm not going" I say as tears flow down my face.
"its to late, I Already own you."
Was the last word my ears would let me hear at that moment. Those three words had structed to me. How could someone say something like this.

Sold for moneyWhere stories live. Discover now