Why you break up PTV

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Vic:He went out to a bar with Mike his brother got drunk with him and ended up next to a naked girl in the morning you found out cried and started hitting him told him it was over

Mike:Went to a bar with Vic ended up getting drunk and started making out with a girl he didn't know you found out by a picture you screenshot it and send it to him saying I'm breaking up with you

Jaime:He tells you that he doesn't wanna be with you anymore because he doesn't love you so you start crying hugging him he tells you sorry but he doesn't love you no more

Tony:He tells you that your nothing to him that he doesn't love you and doesn't wanna be with you he wants to be with Erin you tell him okay and when he's about to leave you turn him around and slap him hard leaving a hand print on his face

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