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I woke up really early the next morning because I wanted to practice the song I wrote to Star. I needed a guitar though, so I headed to my parents hotel room. I knocked on the door and my dad answered quickly, opening the door. He said good morning to me and so did my mom, I also greeted them as well. I decided it was finally time to tell them about my plan for tonight.

"There's something I gotta tell you guys, well dad already knows, but I want you to know mom." I don't know why I was so nervous to tell her that I'm in love with Star, but I just was.
Well, what is it sweetie?" My mom seemed curious to know. My dad gave me a nod, I'm pretty sure that he was trying to tell me that it's alright. I took a deep breath.
"Mom, I'm in love with Star."
"YES!" My mom screamed, I was a bit confused.
"Is there something I missed?" I said.
"I've been waiting for you to say that for like, the longest time." My mom said happily. Well I'm glad she was more than okay with it.
"I was also going to ask you guys if I can borrow some cash."
"What for?" My mom said.
"Well, instead of actually telling her, I'm going to sing it to her."
"Really?!" My mom seemed excited.
"Yeah, I even have the lyrics." I pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to my mom. She opened it and read the song I wrote for Star.
"Wow, it's so beautiful." She smiled at me.
"This is how you really feel?" She said.
"Yeah." I stuttered, blushing and rubbing the back of my neck.
"If you're going to sing, then what is the money for?" My dad said.
"I need to rent a guitar for the day."
"Oh." They both said, they finally seem to know where I was going with this.
"I'll go with you, I don't even know how much it would cost to rent a guitar for the day."
"Thanks dad." I smile at him.
"No problem, whatever makes you happy." He smiled back at me. I turned to look at my mom.
"Hey mom?"
"Could you distract Star for a while, so that she doesn't find out about tonight before I tell her?"
"Okay, just text me when you're ready." She beamed a smile at me.
"Thanks mom." I give her a hug.
"Don't worry about it, now go get my future daughter-in-law." She said happily.
"Mom!" I almost shouted.
"Good luck hijo." She giggled while I rolled my eyes, closing the door.

My dad and I were heading to the music store we saw while going to the carnival a few days ago. As we entered the store, there were cool looking guitars of different variations. The store also had record players, drum sets, and many different instruments. It was pretty big for a music store, but all I wanted was to borrow a acoustic guitar. We both walked over to the employee at the counter.

"How much does it cost to rent a guitar for a day?" I said.
"One fifty." He said. My dad didn't seem too pleased.
"That's the cheapest price?" My dad said.
"Yeah, sorry for the inconvenience." The employee said.
"No, it's fine." My dad sighed. He pulled out his wallet and payed for the guitar. He seemed disappointed? The employee gave us a certain time to return it. We walked out of the store with the acoustic guitar.
"Dad I'm sorry it was kinda pricey." Now I just felt bad.
"No hijo, it's not that."
"Then what is it?"
"I was going to take your mother out for dinner tonight." Guilt washed over me quickly.
"If you want, we can return the guitar?" I didn't want him to be disappointed because of me.
"No it's okay, I know how much this means to you. I'm not going to let you down Marco." I smiled at him, that's my dad for you, always putting other people first than himself.
"Thanks Dad."
"Don't mention it." He grinned at me.
"If anything me and your mom could just watch movies all night."
"True, now let's go back to the hotel, I'm starving." My dad chuckled, while we walked back to the hotel.

I woke up with a little ray of sunlight hitting my face, stupid sun. When I got off my bed I realised that Marco wasn't in his. I called out his name a few times thinking he was in the bathroom, but no response, I hope he's okay. I grabbed my phone and texted him "where are you." I decided to take a shower, hoping that he would respond back by the time I got out. Once I got out of the shower, I checked my phone. He unfortunately didn't text back, I was really starting to get worried now. That's when I decided to go look for him. I changed into grey shorts with a white tank top, and flip flops. I was about to turn the doorknob until I heard a knock on the door.

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