Just Us.

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It's been a week since we all came back from Hawaii, and so far the summer vacation that I had hoped for, was better than I'd ever thought it be. In all honesty though, being with Star feels like a dream, and if it is a dream, then I never wanna wake up from it. Star and I haven't really done much at all. We watched movies, had deep conversations, and one day we chilled at the park for a while. It's amazing how I know she's mine and only mine. Today was Friday and I was about to make breakfast with her.

"Babe just let me make breakfast for us." I said.
"Nah Marco, I got it." She said.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure." She reassured me.
"Just be careful." I said worriedly.
"Yes, Marco." She said reassuring me again.
Five minutes had passed, and the cooking pan was already on fire. Star was freaking out, not knowing what to do.
"Holy crap!" I grabbed the fire extinguisher hanging off the basement door.
I pulled and held the trigger of the fire extinguisher, putting the fire out. I let out a deep sigh.
"That could've been bad." Star ran upstairs with her head down.
"Star!" I said worriedly. I hurried upstairs to see what was wrong with Star.
"Star?" I lightly knocked on the door, but I got no response.
"Beautiful?" I still didn't get a response.
"Alright, I'm coming in." The door creaked as I opened it. The lights were off, not only making the room look dark, but ominous as well. I saw Star sitting on her bed with her head down. I slowly walked over to her and sat beside her.
"You okay?" I asked, but she only looked at me for a moment until she looked away. I scooted closer to her and put my arm around her.
"Come on Beautiful, you can tell me anything." I saw a small smile form on her lips, which made me smile. She hugged the side of my body, and laid her head on my shoulder.
"It's just that.. I was trying to make breakfast for the both of us, but I always mess up."
"That's why you're upset?" I felt that she had nodded her head on my shoulder.
"There's no need to get upset over that, it's not your fault." I held her hand and interlocked my fingers with hers.
"Huh? What do you mean?" She looked into my eyes with a confused, yet hurt look.
"You've never had to cook before, so it makes sense that you're bad at it." She averted her eyes from me, she would look anywhere besides my face.
"Besides, even if you wouldn't have burned the pan, it would've tasted awful." I teased, giving my signature grin.
"Marco!" She shouted playfully, punching my arm lightly. I just chuckled to myself, and even though she was trying to stay mad at me, she couldn't help but laugh.
"I know that with a little bit of practice you'll get it right." I pulled her close to me.
"You really think so?" She said timidly, she was slightly blushing.
"Yeah!" I said excitedly. She pulled me by the collar and gave me a quick kiss.
"You're so cute." She said giggling.
"What was that for?" I asked. I felt like I was in heaven.
"No reason." She giggled. Even though she was being goofy, I knew what she really meant by that.
"Thanks Marco, really."
"Anything for my Princess." I smiled at her. She averted her eyes from me.
"Well.. I.. um.." She said timidly
"You what?" I said teasingly.
"Don't play dumb with me, I know you're teasing me." She pouted.
"What? I'd never do such a thing." I protested, giving her a mischievous grin.
"Yeah, sure you wouldn't." She said suspiciously, giving me a slightly irritated look.
"Oh don't be like that, I'm only playing around." I smiled at her.
"I know dummy, I'm just messing with you." She had this cunning look on her face.
"Wow, I see how it is." I said playfully.
"Sorry, but you had it coming." She said teasingly.
"I'll win next time." I said playfully. I kissed her gently.
"Sure you will." She giggled.
"Now what would you like for breakfast?" I asked.
"Pancakes, eggs, and some bacon probably. Oh and maybe some clothes, some shoes, and some earrings." She said playfully. Star and I burst into laughter.
"Shut up." I said playfully as we were still laughing.

I made breakfast for the both of us, we sat at the dinner table eating and talking as we always did. I like how we can talk about anything and it never gets boring. Even though I shouldn't do it, I like it when I zone out of the conversation at times and take in all her features. She's just beautiful inside and out.

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