It Was Always Him.

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The next day Marco woke me up as usual, we got ready for the day, so that we could eat breakfast with his parents. Marco suggested that I'd try the pancakes this time which I did. They were delicious, he also had the same order as me, pancakes with bacon and sausage. You would think it was a plain meal, but the way this restaurant set it up the meal looked quite fancy. Mr. and Mrs. Diaz both had three waffles each, and they were huge, like really huge. The meal also had whipped cream with a strawberry on top. It looked delicious, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz payed for our breakfast as usual.

"Hey Star." Mrs. Diaz said.
"Yeah Mrs. Diaz? I say.
"I was wondering, since we're in Hawaii we should have like a girl's day out?"
"That would be awesome!" I say happily.

I've kinda always wanted something like this with Mrs. Diaz, but mostly with mom. She is the queen of Mewni, so she never has time for me, but I understand. I guess that's why I'm so excited, I never got to do something like this with my mom.

"Marco, I'm going with your mom okay?"
"Awe man that sucks." He whined.
"It's just one day Marco."
"I know, it's just boring without you." He said sadly.
"Marco we're always together, one day won't hurt."
"Oh alright." He pouted.
"Why don't you do the same thing with your dad?" I suggest.
"Si hijo, you and I haven't had bro time in a while." Mr. Diaz chuckles.
"That sounds like fun." Marco smiles.
"Star if anything happens, just call me okay." He says sternly yet softly.
"I will!" I say cheerfully.
Before Mrs. Diaz and I go, Marco hugs me for what seems like forever until I let go.
"You guys have fun okay?" I say.
"We will." Mr. Diaz says.
Mr. Diaz gives Mrs. Diaz a quick kiss on the lips, which I found adorable.
"Bye honey." Mrs. Diaz said.
"Bye angel." Mr. Diaz said.

I swear they're like goals, Marco and I wave at each other saying goodbye. Mrs. Diaz and I start walking towards a part of the hotel that I haven't seen before. Mrs. Diaz and I don't say a word to each other, the atmosphere wasn't tense, but I wanted to break the silence.

"You and Mr. Diaz are so cute together." I say
"Awe thanks, so are you and Marco!"
"What?" I almost shouted, while I could feel myself blushing a lot.
She giggled at me.

I hope Marco isn't missing me too much, even though I find it cute, and I'm doing it again. He is cute though.

"Spa or sauna Star?"
"What's a sauna?" I gave her a puzzled look.
She gives a smirk and grabs my arm.
"You'll see." She giggles while she drags me.
Mrs. Diaz pays at a counter, which I didn't know what it was for. She drags me again to a locker room.
"Star go inside a stall and wrap the towel around your body."
"You'll see." She says.

I took off my clothes and wrapped the towel around me, I waited only about a minute until Mrs. Diaz came out as well.
"Okay lets go!" She says excitedly.
"Go where? I asked, confused.
"Well it's a surprise." She says.

We went inside a room with seats against the walls. Mrs. Diaz patted the seat next to her. I sat next to her, confused.
"What are we doing here?" I ask.
"This is room for relaxation, just give it minute."
Out of nowhere steam started to flow out from the walls and the room started to get incredibly hot. I was a little shocked by it.

"This room gets really hot so that your body can relax, you'll see it'll start to feel nice."
"Are you sure?" I said worriedly.
"I'm positive."
"If you say so." I was still a little worried.
"You'll like it." She said cheerfully.

She was right, after a few minutes my body started to feel really relaxed. It felt really nice and soothing. After a while you couldn't see a thing, white steam flowed around the whole room.

"Thanks Mrs. Diaz, this is really nice."
"No problem sweetie, you know that you can call my Angie or mom right?"
"Okay mom." I smile even though she couldn't see it.
"Hey mom."
"Yeah Star?"
"How did you meet Mr. Diaz?"
"I'm surprised you wanna know."
"It's just that you two are so cute together." I say
"Thanks." Mrs. Diaz said, giggling a bit.
"Well Rafael and I actually met in high school like you and Marco."
"Oh really?" I was surprised that they have been together for that long.
"Yeah, it was junior year. I decided to become a cheerleader because I wanted to try something new. During that year he would always look at me, not in a bad way, but he seemed like he wanted to talk to me. He was also one of the most popular guys in school. All the girls talked about how big and strong he was, but I wasn't like the girls. I didn't understand what they saw in him. I remember that every time my cheerleading squad would go to a game, he'd always look at me cheering. So I decided that I would go up to him and I ask him why he kept looking at me so much. At first he seemed really nervous to answer which surprised me, but he finally said that he found me interesting. I took that as a compliment, then after that we became friends, and then to best friends until he finally asked me out. We stayed together ever since."

I was honestly shocked, so that's why she's so cheery. That was probably the most cutest story I've ever heard.

"I know right? Everyone says the same thing when I tell them every time."
"I just never would have thought of that." I say.
"Remember when you told me that you didn't see him the same way the other girls did?" I asked.
"Yeah?" She says.
"Well what made you fall for him?"
"He was different than what I'd thought he'd be. He was and is caring, he's kind, and honestly just being around him makes me happy. He makes me laugh a lot as well, I don't see myself as anything special. He makes me feel special to him, and to myself. That's why I fell for Rafael." Mrs. Diaz said.

"Funny, I feel the same way around Marco." I gasp, realizing what I said.
"I knew you had feelings for Marco!" She said excitedly."
"What?!. No that's not what meant!" I few seconds of silence past before I realize I can't deny it anymore.
"Ugh yes, you're right... I do have feelings for Marco."
"Hey you didn't have to tell me, I always knew." Mrs. Diaz said.
"How?" I ask.
"It's the way you guys looks at each other." She says.
"What does that have to do with anything?" I was confused by what she said.
"I can't really explain it, it's a feeling I get."
"Are you also saying he likes me too?" I ask desperately waiting for her answer.
"Oh I know he likes you for sure."
I can feel myself blushing a lot. I'm glad she can't see because of the steam.
"Motherly instinct?"
"Yup!" She excitedly. I know she has the grin on her face.
"By the way mom, you're special to all of us." I say.
"Thank you Star that means a lot." I smile at her.
"So, since I am practically your second mom. What is it that you like about my son?"
I get really nervous when she said that, but I know that I could tell her.
"Well for starters, he's handsome, like really handsome." I can hear Mrs. Diaz giggle.
"He's caring and sweet, he's always honest with me. He makes me laugh, he's always there when I need him and he's an amazing chef." She started to giggle again and I did too. "Marco is always willing to help, but I don't have feelings for him because he loves to help, it's because of who he is and his personality." I felt myself blush yet again.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't like Marco, I love him.."

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