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Chapter 40







Sutton's P.O.V

Harry's jaw was clenched as I stood there like an idiot, the air was thick with smoke and I could smell weed everywhere. "Were you smoking?" I asked as I saw a girl in the corner being fucked "WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!" I screamed rage bubbled up inside me.

"It's not what it looks like!" He said

He had a worried look painted on his perfect face, "really? All I see is guys in line to fuck that bitch-" "HEY" the girl said between thrusts. "Oh and there's a lit cigarette in your hand!" I said anger rising inside.

The girl pulled her thong up and walks up to me until my face hurt, she slapped me??? "I'm not a bitch" she stammered I laughed "sorry, your a slut" I corrected myself she gasped before sitting on Adam's lap. "Let's go please!!" Harry pleaded as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the door, before Adam argued "you aren't leaving, after one round of truth or dare then you leave, nothing off record" he smiled "sure!" I said showing Harry I wasn't scared.

"No Sutton" Harry whined as I pushed Harry on the chair and sat on his lap

He looked a taken back by my force.

"Ok then!!" Adam said clapping his hands together "Sutton truth or dare?" He asked me as I answered "Dare" I said smirking.




Harry's P.O.V


"Dare" she said as I clenched my fists

Is she fucking serious I won't allow this, I know I can't tell her what to do but she's making a big mistake "off record" means there's no limit on this!

It can be as sexual any guy wants it to be.

"Ok, we'll I want you and Sam to do 7 minutes in heaven,in the bathroom!"

Adam said glaring at me I wanted to punch him right there but I know Sams' good he won't do anything to Sutton he isn't like Adam but that still makes me angry that she even said dare!

Sutton and Sam went into the bathroom as I waited the longest minutes of my life till I heard groans,moans,screams FUCK!!!!





Sutton's P.O.V


Sam just stared at me as I fiddled with my thumbs "I don't want to do this your Harry's girl, so lets fake it!" He stated as I nodded Sam made I groan as I moaned we did this for a while till the 7 minutes were over I scuffed his hair and he made my shirt look messy

"Ready?" I asked as we stepped out of the bathroom.

Harry looked at me with disgust as I winked at him and he got it, be seemed better now that he understood what me and Sam "did" I sat on Harry's lap as he

Rested his hand on my lap Adam looked pissed as if he wanted Harry mad?

"Ok my turn" I said happily

As I turned to Honey "truth or dare" I said as she smirked "dare" she said as she looked longingly at Adam "I dare you to take Viagra" I said since I saw some in the bathroom **enter disgust here** Honey looked angry as I handed her the box "come on your inner man is somewhere in that slutty body" I said as she took the pills.

I could hear Harry hide a laugh as she whined "I cannnnnt do thiiiisss" she whined "well suck it up" I said as she took 3 then 4 then 10 "OK YOUR DONE!" I said she sighed "that wasn't so b-"

She ran into the bathroom and screamed.

"Ok since Honey forfeits who's going?" I asked Darrell put his hand up and smiled at me "truth or dare Sutton" he said as I sighed "dare" I said he smiled "I dare you to kiss Adam" I chocked what???? "No" I said as he frowned "it's a dare. Unless you chicken" he said cocking an eyebrow "fine" I mumbled as I walked up to Adam and straddled myself on him, he smiled as I hesitated till he kissed me.

At first I could taste weed, and beer until he started to kiss me softly and smoothly Harry never did that but what was I thinking I pushed Adam off and scoffed. He laughed "you loved it babe" he said as I rolled my eyes. Honey finally came out looking better as ever she turned to Harry and smirked "Adam your turn" Honey said "ok Harry truth or dare" "dare" he sighed "I dare you to fuck Honey" he said as Honey licked her lips. No. No. No. Too fucking far.







How was that? Good or meh, sorry it's short it's just a filler for what's happening next ok!

But hope you like it guys




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