Chapter 37

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Chapter 37


Songs for this chapter

The Big Bang

Rock mafia

Dark doo wop





Sutton's P.O.V

As I walked inside the doctors office I turned around and looked through the tinted glass that blocked the sun from outside. That's when I saw a black Sudan as a man stared at me through the dark glass, I quickly turned and bolted for the receptionist. She gave me A warm smile as she motioned for me to sit "Doctor. Shepard will see you soon" she stated as I sat down.

"Sutton Jane?" A nurse called, I rose my hand and walked towards her, she had long dark brown hair and bright grey eyes, she looked young maybe the same age as me? But she was beautiful and so sweet. She led me into a room where she asked me several questions.

"So how's you sex life?" She asked me, as I gulped......"well it's fine I guess." I said nervously she laughed "don't be nervous I'm the same age as you, and I have been asked this question several times when I would get checked up" she said kindly, I mean she was so sweet and kind that I felt the nervousness slip away with every word she said.

A slight knock came at the door as Doctor.Shepard came in her greyish hair was cut to a nice bob. She asked me questions as the nurse drew blood from my body into the tiny tube. I could see my blood fill to the top as she examined it, to make sure she didn't need more from me. "Ok Sutton.....your 18 right?" She asked I nodded

"Ok well how's your sex life?" She asked, she motioned me to lay down on the bed. "Well it's good....we don't have sex everyday but we don't not have it" I said "mmhhmm" she said as she concentrated on my area!

"Ok everything seems fine, nothing wrong at all!" She said "but I'll need you to per in this cup....since you made the appointment on you thinking your pregnant?" She asked I nodded. She a handed me the cup as I walked to the bathroom.




Harry's P.O.V


As I parked behind a tan building I saw Marks black Sudan as I Approached it

He looked up from his phone and smiled. I opened the door forcefully as I sat down. "Glad you came, I missed seeing your f-" "SAVE IT" I fired as I glared at him, "what do you need me for?" I asked "wellllll.......first you failed me" he said I rolled my eyes "no you failed me! You killed mum and Gemma" I said through gritted teeth.

"They aren't dead!" He said I turned to look at him and grabbed the collar of his shorty shirt "don't lie to me" I growled "I-I'm not lying Harry!" He said.

"The video was fake, it was to make you angry and finish your job" he said

"So where are they?" I asked he shook his head "can't tell!" She laughed

"Why the fuck not? " I asked anger dripping off my words. " Well you didn't finish your job! " he said with a glum smiled smeared on his face

" fuck you. Why don't you go find another girl to fuck with and kill for fuck sakes " I fired "Sutton's different better.....soooooo fun" that's it I punched him in the jaw and I heard a loud **CRACK** he screamed as he got out of his car.




Sutton's P.O.V


After I peed in the cup I explained how I may be pregnant!

"Well we were ya know when I felt him go to deep and I thought the condom broke" I said

She nodded "well your sample is being examined so ill just make sure the blood sample is good" she said happily.

"Ok your healthy" she stated "nothing's high blood sugar...nor low"

The nurse came in with my results Doctor.Shepard examined it closely with a serious face.

"Well congrats......." She said I gasped.




Harry's P.O.V


Mark kneeled on the ground moaning in pain, and coughed blood. "Ok Mark touch, look, or ever, talk to sutton I'll kill you. Got it?" I asked he nodded as I grabbed his keys and threw it into the garbage bin.

I walked away proud and happy that my family is alive and I beat the shit out of Mark! That's when Sutton came out of the tan building, she looked flustered. But she can't know I'm here

I hid behind a car and watched her run her fingers through her as she banged her car with anger.

What the hell is wrong with her?

She hopped in her car and started to cry, I could tell she was swearing I mean what happened? Where did she need to go?

I looked at the sign on the building

"Doctor Shepard Obstitritians"

I gasped no.







Cliff hanged much?

Do you think Sutton's pregnant?

Or no

Please comment your thoughts and thank you guys for 927 reads almost to 1k thank you all

And good night!

-Mack <3

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