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Chapter 27

Harry's P.O.V

Tears filled my eyes as I chugged down my liquor in sadness.

I was now in the city and I was drunk as fuck.

I sighed.

Until I bumped into a girl?

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" She said

Holy fuck.

"No,no don't apologized I wasn't looking where I was going!" I said

She smiled

"I'm Jane" she said extending her hand out for me to shake as I gladly shook back.

"I'm Harry!" I said

She smiled

"Hi, Harry" she said as her cheeks turned a shade of pink

She tucked her long brown hair behind her ear as she laughed.

"Wanna umm go out sometime?" I asked

"Yea sure!" She giggled

As we exchanged numbers and went our separate ways

"Jane" I mumbled

Before throwing away my glass bottle.

Sutton's P.O.V


I groaned as the needles inched my bare skin, I opened my eyes in alarm as I felt a hot breath on my face

"WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed

As Harry stood above my body

"S-sorry I'll go..." He said

"No wait" I said as he sat, I looked him up and down and found out he is pretty cute!

"Sooo your my boyfriend?" I asked

"Yup" he said popping the "p"

I laughed slightly

"So how did we meet tell me everything" I asked

As he smiled ok well where should I start.....

At the part where we had sex,no,no,no mayb-

"SEX!" I screamed

"Umm yea you lost your virginity to me" he said proudly

"I think I'm gonna barf" I groaned

"Start at the begging ok!" I ordered

He laughed

"K" he answered





I gaped.

"I-I was raped?!?!?" I sobbed

"Shhhhh...bab- I mean shhhh Sutton!" He said

"Baby? It sounds so familiar?" I whispered

"I'm gonna get going SOO bye..." He said

"Wait!.....will you stay with me?" I asked

"I mean it's creepy here needles and illnesses" I shivered at the thought

"Sure" he chuckled

As he sat in the chair I grabbed his hand and held it as my eyes felt heavy.

Harry's P.O.V

My heart ached as she grabbed my hand, her angelic face was soft and calm as her eyes fluttered closed.

"I love you" I whispered

She jerked out bed with her eyes wide

"Did you just say YOU LOVE ME!" She screamed

"Oh shit ummmm.....yea?" I said

"Well I don't love you so save it!" She ordered

"Yea well you used to!!!" I argued


"Jeez....night" I said as I tried to sleep in the hard, green chair.


Only love

By Ben Howard

Song of the week




Sutton's P.O.V

I looked around the dark room, as the machines glowed in the darkness

I sighed.

"Harry?" I whispered

"Mmmm" he groaned

"I-I can't sleep!" I said

"Umm I can't help you with that" he groaned

"Sleep with me?" I asked

"I-ummm....sure?" He said

I scooted so he could have space

"This feels so familiar" I said

"Oh really does this?" He asked

Before lightly kissing me

"Yea" I said

"But.....to me it means nothing..I don't know you!" I said

"Ok then....good night Sutty!" He laughed

"Sutty?" I asked

"Made it up" he said

Before we both fell into a deep slumber.




Chapter 27!!!!


Ok I'm going to be ending my story at either

Chapter 50


Or 100?

Which do you think is better

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