The right choice

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Chapter 33


Sutton's P.O.V


I looked up at my house in awe, I feel better now that I'm home

It's been awhile ever since I started dating Harry.

It was now 3 weeks till graduation and I was more happy then nervous, I mean heck! I'm going to CAL and that makes me pretty happy I mean I'm close to family and it's not a bad place.

I grabbed my phone and texted Harry.

To: Harry <3

Hey babe. I was just wondering what university are you going to?

From:Harry <3

CAL why?

I gasped.

To:Harry <3

Me too!!!!



I frowned he doesn't seem happy?

But I shook it off, he's I guy.

I'm looked around my room, I better get packing I guess, I grabbed some boxes and started to pack up.

Harry's P.O.V


"I-I did it" I mumbled

"Now, now what did I say about mumbling?" He asked grabbing the collar of my shirt.

"I said I did it" I almost screamed

"Ha better..." He said

I never wanted to do this to her but he leaves me no choice!!!

"Remember how you got those scars?" He asked looking down at my arm

I remember it like it was yesterday.


He grabbed my arm and sliced the blade through it!


"I-I CANT DO IT...I can't" I sobbed

"THEN ILL DO IT FOR YOU!" He screamed slicing my arm all the way down to my wrist.

"Please stop" I begged


"FINE!...I'll do it" I sobbed

He smiled as I sliced my arms again and again and again.

One day he will day.


A tear streamed down my face as the faded scars reminded me of my horrible past.

He made me love Sutton to get revenge, but I love her truly!

But his newest assignment on Sutton shocked me.

"I want you to kill...Sutton Jane!" He said handing me a blade

"Or they die" he said


Sutton's P.O.V


It was now 1 week till University

And I was screaming in excitement!

Harry was next to me as we listened to the principle talking about safety rules and to be respectful to staff.

I sighed. One week till summer and being a full adult!! Harry looked upset as I saw faint scars on his arm?

"Harry?" I Asked, he looked up from his phone

"What the hell is that?!" I asked concern dripped from my words

He looked shocked as he covered them

That's the first time I noticed tiny faint scars.

"Accident with a barb wire fence!" He laughed


"How?" I asked, he shrugged "I was a rebellious kid back then" he said

"Of course you were" I said before looking back up at the teacher.

The whole day Harry was acting weird and distant?

The only words he said today was hi!

And gotta go to class!!

Like really?

Am I boring?

I sighed as I grabbed my bag and headed out of the school, I put my purple helmet on and started the engine as It roared.

Sometimes the only way to clear my mind is to drive, I zoomed out of the parking lot and on the country road.

This was my place, my thinking spot

Under the two willow trees by the lake, I went here ever since I was a little girl, this is where I cry, think, and just relax.

But this time I was thinking, mostly about Harry?

Until I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned to find Harry tears streamed down his face, he looked broken. Fragile. Sweet.

"Harry what's wrong?" I asked getting up from my spot on the sand.

"I-I have to do something I will regret....but it's for The best" he sobbed.

"What do you have to do?" I asked

"I-I love you" he said hugging me

"I love you too" I said hugging him back.

Harry's P.O.V


I held the blade in my hand as she hugged me, I raised the blade high in the air as her back faced the tip.

HARRY YOU CANT! I heard my heart say

HARRY ITS FOR THE BEST my mind screamed.

I edged the blades closer, closer and closer.



Soooo how's that?

OMG sorry bout the short chapter and cliff hanger ending :(

But it's for the best!!!

ILYA I almost to 700 reads

Hopefully soon to 1k


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