Chapter 15: Bound by Telepathy

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The next day, I woke up feeling rejuvenated. Its been a long time since I haven't slept like that. It wasn't even 1 minute until I heard a voice in my head.

"Good morning beautiful." The voice said.

I jumped at the sound of the voice, my head whipping left and right frantically looking for the source of the sound. Then I stopped and smacked myself. Looking around like a frightened little girl when not even twelve hours ago you've found out that you can communicate with your mind with your boyfriend. Come on now Riska.

"Good morning to you too, Damen."

When I got no reply from him, I hopped off the comfortable couch and went in search of the bathroom. Once I finally found it, I went in, locked the door and did what I needed to. When I came out of the bathroom, I followed the lovely aroma of breakfast into the kitchen. In the kitchen, I found Matt, Eric and Damen waiting for me around the table, eyes ogling the delicacies that was the breakfast platters on the table.

"I'll talk to you later Damen."  I said as I quickly sat and started shovelling the food into my mouth like I haven't eaten since last month, which probably won't happen cause I can't last a day without eating. By the time we were full, all of the food was gone leaving the empty platter plates and dirty silverware.

"I think I should be getting you home." Damen said, while he starts to stack the plates on his arms.


When all the dishes were all washed and put away, Eric and Matt decided to give us a ride. I always wondered why Matt and Eric are always in Damen's car when they have their own. But that thought was quickly thrown out the window when I saw what they meant when they offered to give us ride. Thier ride was their bikes. Thier bikes were just like the one that Damen have. Damen hopped unto one of the two bikes and started it. Matt got on the other while Eric sat behind him, leaving me to sit behind Damen.

"Can I switch places with you Eric?" I said, cringing at the bike Damen and the bike.

"Aww, what's the matter Riska? You scared of a street bike?" Matt chuckled from his spot.

"Naw, I'm scared of Damen driving THE bike. He drives like he's at the nascar world cup." I retorted, then they burst out laughing, and I glared at them.

"Are you getting on or not?" Damen asked as he kicked up the jack.

"Fine." I surrendered.

I cautiously got on the bike and Damen lead the way to the school so he can take his car. Thank goodness. After 30 minutes of driving, Damen finally pulled up the driveway of my house. Damen stood next to me asI fumbled with my keys trying to get the right one and the next thing I know is the door opening revealing my very pissed off dad and my crying mother.


After my dad's pissed off monologue, he stormed off to his office. I hung out with my mom, while Damen had to go talk to my dad because my dad wanted to talk to him privately. My mom spend the whole day extracting every detail of the past few days from. I left out the telepathy part because I didn't want my mom thinking the worst case scenerios and try to get me to see a shrink. When my mom was satisfied with explanation, she let me go while she went and made dinner.

"Is everything okay with you?" Damen sent through our bound.

"Yep. But the question is how are you with my dad?" I replied.

"I'm surprise that your dad didn't pull out a pistol and shoot me. I may be the leader of the toughest crew but you dad looks like he can choke me with one hand and file papers with the other without missing a beat. He scares me." Came his response.

I had to summon all my good sense to not laugh at him and convince my mom that I have to go see a shrink. My parents allowed Damen to sleep over but he had to leave immediately the next morning. Laying quietly on my bed that night, I noticed that my hearing have increased and I could hear all from my house to four blocks away in all directions.

Bethany High was closed due to it being a crime scene and police are investigating like crazy. Since it is November and the school will open on January 31, I have 2 months of no school. Yay. 

"I can't wait till we get to move up this relationship up a notch." Damen purred in my head.

I shivered at the thought of doing the dirty with Damen, but then I realized that Damen doesn't talk like that. Something is wrong, very wrong but the a movie started playing in my mind and starring in it is me and Damen and a bed doing very naughty position.

"Damen, why are you sending me this movie? I know it's not my thoughts." I sent to him.

"What movie? Wait, you can see that? Sorry, I didn't know you can see that. Forgive me?" He apologized.

I know that the extra ability came with others. Besides the telepathy and increased hearing, I learned that I have increased speed. I have no idea how to control the speed. I remember earlier I went into the kitchen to grab something and was out before my parents can even acknowledge what was happening. I've seen my dad look at the spot he saw me at then looked down at his coffee mug and then get up and dump it down the kitchen sink.

Damen was gone by the time I woke up the next morning. My parents were at work and I was alone in the house. I decided to call Damen and spend the day with him. When I met up with him, it seemed like he became masculine and sexy. I think I was staring too long because he said,

"Would you stop eye raping me, you not even sending me anything so I can know what you want me to do." 

I blushed. It looked like that he was going to say something else but he paused then hung his head.

"Damen? Are you o-" 

I didn't finish my sentence because in less than a second I was pinned to a brick wall with his lips suffocating mines. I was slightly enjoying it but when I looked at his eyes, they were different from before. They looked predator like and I knew that was not the Damen that I know. Using the strength that I have, I pushed him square in the chest and he stumbled back a few steps. While he was trying to regain his balance I took a deep breath and let out a blood curling scream as Damen came and tackled me.


May I present to you Chapter 15: Bound by Telepathy.

Nothing much to say but I'll try to post in 2-4 weeks.

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Bye now.


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