Chapter 11: Welcome to the Crew, Agent RKR

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My five days of preparing for the practice mission is finally over, and I was giddy about the real thing. Damen came to pick me up that morning. When I got in the car, Matt and Eric was in there. On our way to the practice mission, Matt gave me some documents and filled me in on the plan.

"We are going to have to sneak our way into the building and take this flash drive located in the vault over here. This is the layout of the room, we suppose the vault is in the column over here." He said, pointing out to a blue square on the sheet. "After you get the flash drive, head on to the seventh floor in Room 174, remember that. Plug the flash drive into the computer and get out of there, make sure everything is uploaded into the computer. Got it?"

"Yep, I got it." I replied.

Damen then pulled up to a tall business building and park somewhere hidden. Matt left all the documents in the car. And we suited ourselves with weapons, then started off to the building but I got pulled back by Damen.

"I know that this is your first time on a mission, but this is like a real mission and the only thing they don't do is kill you. Please, I beg, be careful." He told me.

I nodded and continued inside the building, he then brush past me and I felt him slip something into my pocket. It's show time. We went into the middle of the lobby and split up. I got that odd confidence again, and it made me walk up to the receptionist desk.

"Excuse me, do you know where Mr. Madonne is? I have a meeting with him at this time." I said to the receptionist. I absolutely have no idea who this Mr. Madonne is.

"Take those elevators over there and go to the twenty-first floor, three doors to the right." The lady instructed me, pointing to the chrome elevators.

I walked into the elevator, and pushed the white button next to the number 21. The elevator flew up the floors and the dorrs opened. As I was about to round the corner to follow the receptionists' instructions the strange confidence came back and made me turn and go the opposite way. I went to the third door and tried it. I was surprised to find the door open. I walked into the spacey room that had the layout as the blueprint that Matt had shown me. I looked around for the column that had the vault in it, but I couldn't find it. 

After a while of futile tries, I leaned against a column to take a small break. My hands found an unnoticeable weak spot in the wall. I then saw a soft outline of a box starting to form. I pulled it open and sure enough there was a vault.

Just when I was about to say "This is Easy", I noticed a combination lock embedded in it and I must have set a trigger off because suddenly, red lights started flashing around and an annoying robotic voice saying,

"Intruder alert, intruder alert. Calling all guards to block exits on all floors. Intruder alert, intruder alert. Calling all guards to block exits on all floors."

The voice kept on repeating the phrase, and I started to panic. What is the combo. I then revisted my memory of the plan in the car.


""We are going to have to sneak our way into the building and take this flash drive located in the vault over here. This is the layout of the room, we suppose the vault is in the column over here." He said, pointing out to a blue square on the sheet. "After you get the flash drive, head on to the seventh floor in Room 174, remember that. Plug the flash drive into the computer and get out of there, make sure everything is uploaded into the computer. Got it?"

"Yep, I got it." I replied.

End of Flashback

"Hm.." I turned the chrome cylinders so that the combination read 7174. I did a short prayer and yanked down the lock. Surprisingly it gave a click and the vault opened. There in the center of the vault was the flashdrive. I grabbed the flashdrive and ran out the door to the stairs. As the door closed, I heard thundering footsteps coming to a halt in front of the escape door, not knowing if I already escaped them.

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