Chapter 12: The New Me

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Giddy, tired, jumpy. Those were the adjectives that describe me at the moment. I am in the same crew as Damen, and I don't even know how to react with the new status I have. I'm not just Riska, I am Riska. RKR, member of Damen's crew. I looked up at the ceiling of my bedroom, just slightly daydreaming.

My parents don't this major secret about me, but I think they will find out soon enough, but as of now, its my dirty little secret. Hm. I wonder how did Matt and Eric became part of Damen's crew and why was it only us, and no one else? I got of the bed and walked to my closet to locate a hidden box that had a packet that Damen delivered that morning. I plopped down on bed and began reading through the information.


Ability: Unnatural Strength


Ability: Intellect


Ability: Weapon Master


Ability: Agilitated

I stopped reading. Agilitated? The hell is agilitated? I made a mental note to ask Damen what does that mean, and continued reading on through the packet. When I was done reading, I heard a rustling of keys outside. I practically threw the packet back into the box and shoved it into the closet.

I speed walked to the top of the stairs and glanced at my mom standing in the foyer trying to drag her many luggages all at once through the door frame. I studied her face and she had a bright glow that I bet anybody can notice. It looks like that vacation did her some good, in many ways.

"Mom!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs, skipping three at a time.

My mom dropped her bags in order to catch herself from falling on her butt by the momentum I put on jumping on her like a dog would when they see thier owner. 

"I missed you baby. How are you feeling?" She said, when she recovered from the impact, then scanning my face, and all areas of uncovered skin.

"Um, good. Better than ever." I replied.

"Hey pumpkin." My dad said coming through the garage side door.

I went to him and hugged him. I smiled happily at them.

"Who wants turkey?" My mom asked as she walked into the kitchen, already dressed in chef attire.


The next day it was Tuesday and it was Valentine's Day and the school was a giant pink bouquet. Everything was pink. I round the corner and into the hall full of lockers and took in the scene in front of me. The boys were leaning on thier lockers while a crowd of girls were hovering around them trying to get them to go to the dance with them, while the other guys dragged a girl into one of the many abandoned closets to do who knows what. I just minded my business and opened my locker.

As I closed the locker door, Damen came out of nowhere and pulled me to him and kissed me. I couldn't help the urge to wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. Damen seemed caught off guard because he paused for a quick second then he just pushed me up against the locker and dominated the kiss.

"Hey dude, you might want that closet over there." Some random person said.

At that Damen pulled back.

"Sorry, kinda got carried away." Damen said, running a hand through his hair.

"No need, its my fault, I deepened the kiss." I assured him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw some cronies cutting me glares. If looks could kill, I would have been dead the moment I walked into this school.

"I have something to tell you. I'll tell you at free period." Then the bell rang, and me and Damen walked into first period

Curiosity was eating away my insides. My mind kept on pounding on what Damen has to tell me and darn my nosy self. I had to stop myself many times from asking him what he had to tell me. When free period finally arrived, curiosity was controlling my body. Damen lead me to the private study hall and finally said what he had to say.

"Riska, will you go to the formal dance with me?"

I was about to answer but got cut off by hysterical screaming outside the door. We were a distance away from the windowed doors, and wwe could see was people running around like a headless chicken. The window of the door shattered and two darts quickly came whistling toward us and into our necks. Damen yanked out the dart before falling down on his knees and face first on the carpeted floor. I tried to do the same but I was too late. Black dots blurred my vision and fell down like a sack of bricks. I tried to remain awake despite not seeing much pass the black dots.

Everything quieted down, and I heard the door open. A black boot came to my field of vision. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and they closed on thier own accord. The last thing I heard was sort of mumfled but I heard each word.

"Nobody messes with our victims."


In a room in a place, somewhere....

I felt a cold thing touch my skin, then it went through my skin, and something was injected into me. My eyes shot open as my body start shaking uncontrollably. I hear aggrevated screams and I couldn't tell if I was making those noises or someone else. The screams shook the walls and I blacked out.


I slowly opened my eyes. I was staring at a white ceiling. Wait. This isn't my room. I sat up quickly and looked over to the cot across from me. There lays Damen snoozing. His hair is longer than I last remembered. For a moment I was lost looking at this beautiful creature, then I snapped back to reality. I got off the cot and tried to wake him up. All I did was touch him and Damen's eyes shot open and he grabbed and held my arms in a bone crushing way.

"Damen. You're hurting me." I half cowered, half whispered.

Damen blinked a few times before releasing me. I know my arms are going to be red soon.

"Whoa. I'm sorry. Wait, who are you, where are we?" He asked looking around confused.

"Who am I?" I said irritated. "I'm Riska, your girlfriend Damen."

He stayed silent and looked at me with stranger eyes. "Riska..That sounds familiar."

I plopped down on my cot.

"Great. Just fucking great. He got amnesia, and looks at me like I'm going to treat him like a slave." I muttered angrily to myself. "Looks like it is up to me to trigger something to bring back his memory so he can remember who he is and how we are going to get out of this place."


Happy 2014!!!! Happy New Years!!!

I posted this chapter 11 minutes late, darn. Anyway I posted. Sorry for the long wait. I have vacation and instead of sitting back and enjoying it, I got stuck with work to do. Not much of a vacation, eh?

I present to you Chapter 12: The New Me

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I'lll post a picture later.


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