Chapter 10: My Secret Talent That I Never Knew Of

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Ever since that I have learned and accepted the true colors of my boyfriend, I couldn't help but wonder what is it like in a mission. The thought plague my mind, and I couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Damen," I started, nervous about what he may say. "Can I be in a mission with you guys?"

Damen looked at me like "Woman, what the heck is yo problem" Then he gave a thoughtful grin.

"I'll see about that." He said after a few seconds.

Damen's POV

"Damen," I heard Riska say. "Can I be in a mission with you guys?"

I snapped my head towards her. At first I was going to say, "No it would be too dangerous." But then again, the rules say that anyone can join a crew as long as they have a talent. My instincts were saying try it out but my mind was telling me, Don't even think about it. What to do, what to do. 

Even if I am a crew leader and I can do whatever I want to, I want to inform the guys about this before I make a move.

"I'll see about that." I told her, after making up my my mind

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. I do love adventures. This would be a great oppurtunity, well, if I get a chance." She said, as a full smile came upon her lips, nearly jumping up and down.

"I'll give you an answer tomorrow."

I dropped Riska off to her house and drove my BMW to where Matt and Eric is staying at. I parked my car, and walked to the porch and knocked on the door.

"Damen. What do you need?" Eric said as he answered the door.

"I have a suggestion that I want you guys to partake on."


"Do you think that she is capable?" Matt asked.

"I think so, my instincts keep on telling me that. And you know that when your instincts annoy you-"

"There's always something behind it." They finished for me.

"Alright, how about we test her tomorrow?" I asked them.

"Sounds good." They said.

I pulled out my phone and called Riska.

"Hey Riska."

"Be prepared tomorrow, I will pick you up. We are going to see what you can do at practice."

"Ok, see you tomorrow."

Next Day, Training Session

Riska's POV

"Ready to go Riska?" Damen said, as I got in his car.

"Yep." I answered, while gripping the door.

"Here we go." The car picked up speed and all cars were a blur of colors.

When we reached our destination, Damen parked the car and opened the door for me.

"This is a crew pack," Matt started explaining. "It has all the equipments to handle almost all types of missions. So you can expect the unexpected. Lets see what you can do."

He walked to a scary looking maze, and I almost screamed and ran out of the building like a little girl. Matt told me that I have to make it through the maze and I was going to be timed.

"This is going to be a long day." I muttered to myself.

"Go." Matt said and he started the timer.

I ran blindly into the maze. The maze was easy at first because there was only one way for a few turns, then I ended up in a fork. I panic not knowing which way should I take, then all of a sudden I felt a surge of confidence, and I took the path to the left. Then I came to a four way fork. The confidence made me take the on the right. Once again I was confronted with a three-way fork. I was tempted to take the straight path but the confidence lead me to take the right one again. A few more turns, and I saw the outside of the maze.

I came out of the maze and the guys' jaw dropped.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked them.

"Are you kidding me. You just finished the maze in less than three minutes. That maze is at least supposed to take you about 10 minutes if you did it right. Did you have a gps on you? There is no yo way you could finish this maze in three minutes." Eric said, when he recovered.

"I respect you, Riska." Eric said again.

"Uh..Thanks?" It sounded more like a question then a statement.

"Well, lets test you on the others." Matt said as I followed behind him.


"Here's your summary." Damen said, as he passed me a piece of paper.

I looked at the sheet and a full fledge smile came upon my lips as I read over the over sized red letters that said "YOU'VE PASSED" written in the middle of the page. I looked up at the guys and they all were smiling.

"Let me take you home." Damen said.

Damen drove me to my house and I got out. I was walking up the long sidewalk when Damen said something.

"You're not done yet. In five days, we will have a practice mission set up by the headquarters. Be prepared and don't worry about school, you'll be with us." With that he tossed me a crew pack. 

I caught it before it hit me. I looked over it, and saw my name engraved in it.

"Thanks." Was all I could say.


Another Revised Chapter.........

Yep, I'm definitely following my personal goals.


Picture: Riska is her training outfit

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