Chapter 14: The Reunion

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It was pitch black outside. I thought the world ended but that was thrown away when I saw the bright white moon hanging dangerously low in the sky. Damen and I quickly walked out of sight of the building, still hearing peope shuffling throughout the building looking for us and yelling out ordrers. As we walked, I let my mind wonder over to the first day of school to where we are now. I pondered on how that everytime that me and Damen are together that something bad always have to happen. Still swimming in my  thoughts I didn't notice I was crossing a street until a sleek black limosine nearly ran over me.

A loud screech sounded through the empty streets as the wheels scraped roughly on the asphalt and the limo stopped just inches away from me. I could of just ran away from the limo, but shock kept me in place as I just watched the blinding light came to me. Damen was next to me in a second, trying to shake me out of my shocken state. A man rushed out of the back seat.

"Are you ok, ma'am? I'm so sorry, my driver didn't see you. Pl-" He trailed when he got a clear view

of my face. By now I have regained my posture and I just glared at the man. Damen stood silently next to me.

"Riska?" A familiar voice said.

My posture faded as I took in the man in front of me.

"Kevin?" I said in shock. "Why are you riding in a limo? You aren't a millionaire or a pop star?"

He just looked down to the ground in response. After some silent seconds he looked back up and said something that shocked me to the core.

"First of all it is true that I'm not a millionare or a pop star. But to tell you the truth.... I'm the prince of the royal family of the Canadian division. Prince Kevin at your service." He ended with a bow and a flick of his wrist.

"A prince? Is this some joke? How am I suppose to believe that my best friend from 4th through 8th grade is a prince of the Canadian division" I said to him, still disbelieving his claim.

"I'm sorry that I kept this a secret for so long. I've been meaning to tell you for a while now but time ran out on me. I couldn't risk the paparrazi knowing that I'm down here in Orlando. They've been chasing me since I left Quebec for a normal life. My parents said I can do what I want until they catch me." He explained.

Damen was so quiet that Kevin almost didn't acknowledge him. Kevin turned to him and did thier boy bump greeting.

"Hey man, my name's Kevin." He introduced like he wasn't there the entire time.

"Yea so I've heard." Damen said to him. "I'm Damen, known as DKJ, the great crew leader."

"You're DKJ!" Kevin exclaimed. "Its a complete honor to meet you in person."

"Look we have a pr-"

"Do you guys need a ride? I'm sure that I kinda owe it to you." Kevin cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

"Um, sure. What do you say Damen?"

Damen just did a quick nod and stood with hands extended towards the car which read 'Ladies first.' As I made my way towards the back door, the driver jumped of his seat to open the door for me. I thanked and slid into the backseat with Damen and Kevin coming in after me.

"So, where you guys heading?" Kevin ask when he noticed the driver lowered the window separating them.

"Can you take us to 2739 west Anpola street? That was where we were heading." Damen answered for us.

"Alright then. Anderson can you take us there?" Kevin asked.

The driver just nodded and then rolled up his window and revived the engine. The limo started moving and we resumed our chit chat. After a while of laughing and catching up on good times we felt the limo come to a stop. The driver parked in a spot in front of a simple house and got out of his seat and came to open the door.

"Wow. Its been a long time since I've been here. I hope they are not hunting for us." Damen said as he took a step towards the house.

"Whose house is this?" I asked with brows furrowed.

"Matt and Eric's." He answered.

"Oh." I muttered and thumped myself in the head.

When we stepped on the porch, I noticed some strange markings on the ground. Damen didn't seem to notice it because he just stepped on them in a straight line towards the front door. I jumped back three feet when Matt and Eric popped out of nowhere and pointed guns to our head.

"Dude!" Matt said when he saw it was only us.

"Where the hell have you been? We have been looking for you for the past few days. Riska's parents are worried sick about. You've got alot of explaining to d-"

"Are you just going to stand here and state the obvious or let us in because we've had a  long few days?" Damen cut him off.

"Fine" He muttered.

"What have missed while we were out of the equation?" Damen sighed as he took the bottle of water Eric passed on to him then to me and then taking a sip out of the bottle.

"You guys were on the news."

Damen sprayed his water all over the two guys and I had to stiffle a laugh from coming through my lips but I failed miserably and ended up rolling around on the floor. When I recovered from my laughing fest, the guys were looking at me like I was mad. Ok, maybe I was a little. Nah just kidding.

"Ok, I think we all need to go to sleep. I think Riska here is sleep deprived. Peace out guys, I'm done." Eric said before moving down through a dark corridor.

Matt stayed behind and handed us blankets and pillows and I watched him go on to his room somewhere in the house. Before I can fully turn around, Damen pulled me to his lap and I gave a quiet squeak. I then felt his lips on my neck and I couldn't help the moan that escaped from me. I felt like I was in heaven. I faintly acknowledged when his hand went to my blouse and started to unbutton it. I felt something touch my chest and then something snapped in my mind and Damen stopped to grab his head as I did.

"Aaahh! What the hell was that?" I heard Damen say. But the thing is that I didn't hear him from behind me, I heard him in head. 

"Those people did something to us or to me. I'm going to have to hunt these people down to figure out what they did to us." 

Again his train of thought just played out so I decided to try something out.

"Um, Damen. I can hear everything you just were thinking of." I said a bit shyly.

"Oh. Well now I know that we both got this thing. This day is just getting weirder by the second. You know lets go to bed." Damen suggested.

I nodded, and he gave me a peck on the cheek before going to the couch he is going to be sleeping on.

"Goodnight Riska." I heard him say from across the room.


A long time since I have posted. I did say this chapter is going to be posted in a while.

Anyway I present to you Chapte 14: The Reunion

Keep the votes coming in. Throw some in some more comments please. And lastly feel free to fan/follow/etc.

See ya. I'll try to post as soon as I can possibly can. 2-4 weeks maybe. I don't know, it depends on my crazy schedules.


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