Chapter 8: The Truth About Damen James

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Damen's POV

"I should of brought my crew pack." I chided myself.

I looked at my watch again for the uphteen time and then back at Riska. I then heard a soft bang and I turned towards the door. Bang, bang. I smiled internally. They brought the knockout gas, so I pinched my nose and pinched Riska's nose as the door swung open. They tossed a gas mask to me and I caught it with one hand. I quickly put it on Riska, and caught my own gas mask. I pulled out a blanket from the crew pack and wrapped it around Riska. Bang, bang, bang. I picked up Riska bridal style and carried her to my car.

"The hell?" I said to nobody in particular, "What is my car doing here?"

I opened the back door and gently lay her in. Matt and Eric came out a few minutes later.

"What the hell is the matter with you, Damen!" Eric said, "Have you lost your mind? You got kidnapped with a girl."

"Can I ask why is my car here?" I said sternly, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Remember, we know where the emergency key is." Matt said, crossing his arms.

"You know just..Nevermind..., that girl in the car, well she is my girlfriend, and those people assaulted and I was knocked out." I said, once again. "You know the only reason I called you guys was because I don't have my crew pack, and if I did, I would of busted outta here. Do you think I'm stupid to endanger anybody like that, if I did the headquarters would had had me executed already."

I think that they didn't hear one word I just said because they just looked at me mischeviously. 

"She's your girlfriend?!" They both said at the same time.

"Ok man, all charges are dropped. Come on lets get her to the hospital." Eric said, seeing that we just wasted a bunch of time just arguing while Riska, in the car, might be fighting for her life.

At the hospital

"Someone get the stretcher, DKJ is here." I heard the emergency room officer said to one of the nurses. Three nurses rushed the stretcher outside to Damen's car. They carefully took Riska out of the backseat and unto the stretcher. 

"So...DKJ who might this young lady be?" The officer asked me.

"That is Riska." I answered flatly. I didn't need anyone else to know who she is, so I don't put her in too much danger.

I had the hospital contact Riska's parents and they said Riska's mom was going to be there in a few hours. I knew I shouldn't have done that, but which is better, keeping my mouth shut about the incident with Riska and then a hospital bill coming to thier house and them getting mad at Riska, or calling them now and give a false story thats easy to believe and then reveal myself to them and not have thier distrust. Matt and Eric went off to deal with the kidnappers and the papers, while I stayed at Riska's side waiting for Riska's parent to come.

 "Where is my baby? Where is my baby?" I heard Riska's mom yell from end of the hall.

"She is in that room, ma'am" A nurse said.

I heard clicks of heels on the ceramic floors and in came Riska's mom. She walked right past me and went straight for Riska. She stood in front of her, scanning her face for anything unusual. When she was sure she didn't see anything on Riska's face, Ms. Reedings turned to face me.

"What happened to her?" She asked.

"I dropped her off at home after school and as she was walking into the house, she just fell to the ground. I hurried and brought her to the hospital and had them contact you." I said smoothly not giving anything away as the false story came out my mouth. Riska's dad came in at the moment.

"I have a confession to make." I started off. Here goes nothing..

"You did this to her, didn't you?" Ms. Reedings accused.

"What? No, I would never." I defended myself.

"Oh, then your gay." Mr. Reedings said.

"Do I look gay? Anyway, no I'm not gay, I am perfectly straight." I blew a breath out. "What I was trying to say was that I am DKJ, the great crew leader." Matt and Eric walked in at the moment.

"And this is my crew. Matt," I introduced him "and Eric."

"Nice to meet you Matt, Eric. What is a crew?" Mr. Reedings said. Eric backed up and closed the door.

"Can you keep a secret?" Eric said, after he locked the door. Riska's parents both turned serious and nodded.

"A crew is like a..secrets agent lets say. We have materials and special abilities to help us complete missions sent to us by the headquarters. We have to keep a low profile so people don't find out about our identities. I trust very few to tell our secret like that. It is very imporant that you keep the information that I have beshrewed on you a secret."

"Do your parents know about this?" Mrs. Reedings asked.

"Of course. They are the ones who sent us data for each mission."

"Who do you trust, if I am not asking too personal questions." She asked again

"Select few in this hospital such as the emergency room officer, the head nurses, and the manager of the hospital."

"Would you put your life in front of others?" Mr. Reedings said, breaking his wife's streak of questions.

"It is my duty. Our duty, our life, our passion."

Mrs. Reedings then stood up, pulling her husband with her. "Ok, Damen, boys. We have to go back and keep an eye on Riska for us. If anything happens to her again, we are coming back for good."

I watched her walk out the room, the clicks of her heels tapping on the floor of the ceramic floors. I waited until I couldn't hear the clicks before I turned back to my crew.

"This just got hard." Eric said.

"You could say that again." I said, running my hands through my hair.

"What are we going to tell her?" Matt asked, slightly tilting his head towards Riska.

"I don't k- Riska!" 

Dammit, I thought as I saw Riska's opened eyes looking back at me. A thin line of her lips telling me that I am going to have some explaining to do.


I present to you Chapter 8: The Truth About Damen James

Soooo.......What do you think. Good, bad, TF?

I would have posted this chapter a few days ago I was writing this chapter, my computer shut down on me and I lost all my work. I had a rage quit and I just rewrote the lost part today and posted it.

Picture: I'll post it later on today, but its Eric

You know what's next....


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