Investigator's Days

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^2nd ward^
May 14th; 12:00pm
-Ranpo's pov-

"Shinohara-san, I see that you were able to sort of confirm the owl's location." Sato says, as I followed behind him.

"Sato-kun, Ranpo-kun, I didn't expect to see you here. And yes, I have." Shinohara replies. "So you two are partnering up again, I see."

"Hai, we work best together." I smudged with a grin as I pretended to hold a gun and winked.

"Besides no one can really keep up with him." Sato said disappointingly. "I heard you're being with the squad that's going to take down the owl, Shinohara-san."

"Yeah talk about luck. But at least I get payback for he did to Iba." Shinohara says looking serious.

I gave out a small chuckle and patted his shoulder. "At least Iba-san only lost his arm that day than his life.. I consider him lucky that he retired so he doesn't have to face this hell we're going up against." I said.

"I guess you're right. They tell you guys which devision you two are going with?" He asked.

"Yeah, we're going with Hirako." I replied.

I heard Sato sigh heavily and comment, "Let's hope that lipless doesn't do anything crazy." I laughed a bit then pushed up my glasses.

"That's unless Black Dog is involved." I smirked evilly. "Both Black Dog's and Devil Ape's group activity had decreased over the years."

"At least you special investigators had decided to do this after the wolves had removed their claim on the 20th ward." I heard. Turning around, I smiled and held my hand up.

"Hey there, Isami-chan" I teased. "Still the same height as always."

I heard her huffed and cross her arms. "I've grown taller!"

"By only 3 inches. If Yuuma was still here, he'll still be taller than you by a few centimeters." Sato says stoically.

Me and Shinohara chuckled at his comment. As Isami glared at him ferociously. Sato just stared back with a bore, blank look.

^15th ward^
-Taiga's pov-

"Have you told Uta?" I asked, staring down at a file Wolf gave me.

"No... for now I'll like to keep it that way. If Uta-kun knew what I asked you to do, he would immediately go against it." Wolf replied as he walked in front of me. I looked up at him, he wore his same attire; a grey hooded trench coat, black combat boot, black pants and his grey, full wolf mask.

He placed a hand on my shoulder then spoke again. "I know you don't like this but if V is planning something stupid. I need some more 'eyes' inside."

"Last time?" I asked as I returned my gaze to the file.

"Last time." He says back then removes his hand from my shoulder and walks out of the debriefing room. I sighed tiredly and walk over to the giant round table to retrieve my mask. My thumb rubbed against the prefect, soft edges and detailing of the mask. The door opened again and shut softly.

"Huh? Minx-san, I didn't expect you to be here." I heard. I turned and saw Shade, who was in his new clothing that is similar to the wolves' outfits. He wore a black hooded trench coat that was buttoned up; except for the few that were near his neck. The trench coat had two wolf heads howling on the back; one was black with a white trim, the other was white. His mask remained the same though.

"Wolf asked to talk with me that's it." I told him.

"Oh... You wouldn't happened to seen my uncle have you, Minx?" He said, stuffing his hands in his pocket.

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