Jealously with a Cat?

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May 8th
-Uta's pov-

"Uta?..." I heard. "Meow."

Turning, I saw Taiga with sparkling eyes. In her arms was a black furred kitten in her arms. I kept my composure while looking at her face. I tilted my head to show that I was confused a bit.

"... Can I keep it?" She asked innocently. 'Damn. Why?!' I thought as we both stared at each other.

-3rd pov-

Others watched as Taiga and Uta just stood there having a staring contest. But most knew it was rare to see, so they just either back off or watched. Unless if you're Renji, who just looked at them cluelessly.

"Huh. Why are Taiga and Uta-kun staring at each other?" He asked.

"Oh that it happens when ever Taiga wants something badly." Itori answered.

Renji looked at the two of them once again. "How long does this usually last?" He asked.

"It's different every time." Asa says, without looking away from her work.

It was only a few seconds later, Uta had spoken. "No."

"Pleaseeeeeee." Taiga pleaded while moving closer to him. But the answer was the same. "No."

"If that's so then.... You're not allowed to touch me." She whispered into Uta's ear.

He looked at her shock that she would go that far. She moved back as Uta tried to touch her. Taiga shook her head vigorously. Uta sighed in defeat knowing that she once she wants something she's willing to do anything for it.

"Fine, Taiga. You can keep it."

"Yay thank you, Uta." Taiga cheered kissing his cheek. She rubbed the kitten's head with her finger making it purr. "She won again didn't she, U-chan." Itori says.

"Shut up."

"Well it does suit her."

"Sigh... Whatever." He said, turning his head away.
^Uta's & Taiga's home^
-Uta's pov-

It had only been a couple of hours since letting Taiga keep the cat. After coming home she cleaned it up and let it sleep in a spare blanket on the couch.

"....sigh... What are you going to name it?" I asked, zipping up my black jacket.

"How's bout Stitch." She says walking out of the room as she pulls down one of her shirt- no. One of mine- as she's getting ready for bed.. well sort of since she was probably going to play video games while I'm hunting.

"Why?." I asked.

"Well because since he's a cat and cats like to scratch, so.."

I lighted sighed and pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek. Her head rubbed against my chest in a playful way. Moments like this is why I love her so much. But the moment was ruin by a knock at the door.

"Damn. Why couldn't they wait another minute." I mumbled as I let go.

"*giggle* Just go." Taiga says walking away.

"Don't play any games that we were doing together." I said.

"I know, I'm just going to play RPGs."

"See ya." I said leaving.

"I'm home." I said as I entered throwing my mask on the kitchen counter.

I headed to the room subconsciously to take a shower. As I did, I notice that something was missing from the bed. "Taiga?"

I walked out of our room and looked around the rest of the house. My head spun back to the sofa, the blanket that was on it was more bigger than it was before I left. Standing at the side of the sofa, looking down at the blanket. I could hear low sounds of breathing from the under the blanket. Lifting the blanket off the sofa a bit showed my passed out girlfriend with the small kitty curled up into a ball in her arms. I felt my lips smirk as looked at her fragile form before kissing her head and heading to the bathroom.

I ran my finger through my wet hair as I had finished dressing into my pjs. Once exiting, I averted my eyes to the digital clock. 12:04 am. "Hmm...."


-3rd pov-

Uta felt two little paws on his leg as he was lost in thought. Looking down, was the baby black cat at his feet, looking back at him with his orange and purple eyes. Uta tilted his head before looking at where Taiga was. He sighed as lifted the small cat with both hand to his chest. "I guess that we're the same." He said quietly before scratch the cat's small head. The cat's fur was thin but at the same time soft and fluffy as one with a puffy coat.

Soft purrs came from the cat as Uta brushed his finger in through the cat's fur. When he stopped Uta put the cat back on the sofa then carried Taiga off to their bed to sleep together. Once he settled in the bed and pulled the cover over himself and Taiga, she spoke before cuddling into his pale chest. 'You like him.'

He smirked as his arms wrapped around her small frame and pulled her closer. As both of them slept Stitch had entered the room and manage to jump onto the bed and curled up on them.


"All activities from the wolves have decreased to the way they were before. Their leader hasn't been seen in the 15th ward since." Shinohara reported.

"I think a new rank is required for those white eyed ghouls." The chairman says looking at files. "It's going to be similar to the s ratings."

He moved a piece of paper across the desk to Shinohara and Arima. It showed the new ranking for the white eyed ghouls.

White Eyed Ghouls

V rated
Mafia brothers Vic and Nic
Bloody Mary

VV Rated
The Slenderman
The White Eyed Killer

VVV Rated
Kumiho (Wolf's kakja)


Uta: Author-senpai felt like doing a small part.

Taiga: Next part 'Stronger than expected'.

Renji: After that part there will be another time skip to when the doves starts raid the 4th ward.

Itori: *smirks* *puts cat ears on Renji*

Uta: *smiles*

Taiga: *jumps him and places cat ears on*

Uta's cool with it

Renji: =_=*

Asa: Bye.

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