Soon after, Merlin had left the tower leaving his young apprentice pleased to play with the baby as the little phoenix cooed and giggled in response. Unfortunately, the wizard hadn't come back yet for days and malevolence found the two vulnerable inside the tower that night. The young lady took a peek outside the window and saw two boys below, one with very pale skin from before and the other have high cheekbones, standing by with menacing smirks waiting to strike like a predator hunts their prey. Quickly, she took the baby with her and went down the stairs to find a room full of shelves with books. She pushed the side of a shelf against the wall and there, a hidden entrance met them as they proceeded in descending deep to the dungeon under the tower. Afterwards, the apprentice found another dark entrance which leads to the forest nearby.

When the two finally escaped and in the middle of the forest, a rapid spark of light shone following a loud rumble coming from the accumulating clouds above. She put the hood of her cloak over her head and held the baby tight to her arms. Cascade of rain dampened them wet as she ran fast to the peaking village illuminated by lights at the end of the forest. She marched towards a particular house and banged her fist loudly to the door. The door swung open and greeted them a lady with the same face as my foster mother but younger version of her.

"Goodness what happened to you sister?" She exclaimed seeing them worn out and messy.

"I will leave this baby to your care for me." The young apprentice said and handed the baby to my confused foster mother.

"Is she yours?" She asked while observing the baby on her arms with a wry expression.

The sister, whom she called apparently was silent and tightens her lips before she nodded for a lie and said, "I have no time to explain but please I'm begging you!"

The lady on the door sighed and forced her head to bob in agreement which caused the apprentice to smile and kissed the baby's delicate forehead.

"Thank you." She muttered and left into the stormy night leaving my foster mother completely dazed to the withdrawing figure of her sister.

Thus, everything I witnessed from my past memories made me realized my real identity, the lies I was taught, and recognized the dormant power within the ring. I was reborn with my memories wiped out and lived as a human.

"Give that ring to me," The wicked witch and also happened to be my nemesis snapped my thoughts, returning my senses back to reality. I slowly stood up and composed myself, doing nothing but glowering at her.

"How is this possible I can't control you?" She raised her voice in shock.

"I finally remember when you killed me and stole my power," I sauntered towards the shuddering witch and added, "And again, you killed and stole someone special to me this time!"

I stopped in front of her and slightly tilted my head. "Don't you remember me?"

"Why would I remember a weakling human?" She scoffed with a smug face yet was replaced with frightened look when the shade of my hair turned brilliant and blazing color of scarlet.

"I'm not a human," I raised my hand as the ring dissolved from my finger converted into flames dancing on my palm.

"I was your worst nightmare, the phoenix!" With force, I hurled my flames and it engulfed her agitating body. The witch shrieked in pain as the hot flames burning her every flesh. She tried to reach me in despair but her stretched arm turned to ashes instead until my flames ate her entire figure and vanished.

The area around me fell in silence as the witch finally gone to this world. I walked back to the lying dead body on the ground and bent down my knees again beside him. My hand reached for his cold cheek, closing my eyes and steadily drew my face to his lips, kissing him. I transferred a portion of my flames through his body to revive him and also at the same time, giving him the gift of immortality. I drifted my lips apart to his when suddenly; his hand clasped the side of my face and brought down again, pressing his once cold lips but now warm and soft against mine. Kissing me harder, deeper, with a fervent urgent need I've never known for centuries of living. After what seems like an eternity we pulled away, our eyes locked with one another until I slapped his arm hard. 

"Ow! What was that for?" Jimin scowled, shooting me a glare while caressing his arm.

"You let yourself get killed!"

"And whose fault is that?" He retorted back. I rolled my eyes and rose up from my position, taking a step away from Jimin and crossed my arms against my chest with my back facing him.

"I can't believe all this time the phoenix was just beside me," He commented following a light chuckle. I peered over my shoulder to see him standing up too as he dusted his attire.

"Anyways, I think you said something to me before I died, could you repeat that again?" He said causing me to lower my head in embarrassment. Blistering heat crept to my cheeks and a rapid strong pulsation in my heart recurred together. I took a deep breath to keep myself cool because in just a matter of seconds, I would probably combust myself in inferno of flames.

I mustered up my courage to tell him again and said, " you."

"What? I can't hear you." He teased. I closed my eyes to subside the irritation building up within me.

"I love you!" My voice raised a bit repeating those cringe-worthy words. 

"Louder please."

"I said I—" I spun around compelling me to yell at him but I was cut-off by a peck on my lips.  Stunned, Jimin showed me his beautiful eye-smile that I missed and thought I would never see it again. I voluntarily threw my arms around his chest, pressing my body into his, savoring his warm presence and intoxicating scent. I can't help but to smile widely and felt bliss after hearing his heart pounding in his chest, reminding me he's alive again and could spend our lives together forever.



The tower mentioned in her memories is actually the tower where Jungkook lived from my previous fanfiction. The mother got hold of that place after the wizard was captured and his apprentice fled. 

Gladly accept any critic comments and votes.

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