"If you're really sorry, make it up to me." Lauren arched an eyebrow. "Kiss me. I never got my proper kiss in the park, so you can start with that." The corner of Lauren's mouth tweaked in a smile and she pulled the diva closer, pulling her into a light kiss that she deepened slowly. She dropped her hands to Camila's knees and turned the brunette to face her for a better angle, but Camila placed her hands to Lauren's collar bone and pushed back slightly. "You better not be trying to have your way with me while we are sitting in a jail cell." The raven haired bit her bottom lip and smiled before returning her mouth to Camila's, kissing her with the same deep tenderness as before. "Because," Camila continued pushing her girlfriend away again. "If you were, I would most certainly have to remind you about the unthinkably unsanitary environment we are currently in. There's no telling how many drunken party goers have thrown up here or....hmmm."

Her typical Camila rant was cut of by a more forceful kiss that seemed to suck the air from her lungs and she gave in to Lauren's sweet lips. Camila glided her hands up from Lauren's collarbone over her neck and into her hair. Lauren braced a hand on the bench between the diva and the wall and leaned further into the kiss while running her available hand up the diva's side, swallowing her moans as their tongues danced.

"Well, I'm glad to see your brush with the law has brought you two back together."

Both girls jumped apart and shyly turned towards the barred wall. Sinu smiled broadly, apparently still with a bit of a buzz from her drinks, while Alejandro looked much less impressed. Camila gave her disgruntled father a weak smile while Lauren lost all of hers in her shame for causing them to have to be there now. The two parents shook their heads and turned to leave so they could sign the paper work. Still standing in disbelief, however, was Zayn, his mouth agape and his eyes wide. Lauren gave him a devious smirk before she leaned back over and kissed Camila on the cheek. She was rubbing it in.

His jaw finally lifted and his lips curled into a pleased smile as he unlocked the cell and allowed the two woman to exit. "So...you're seeing someone?" He asked with an arched eyebrow as Lauren led Camila out of the cell by the hand.

"Yep. And I don't share." Zayn bounced his head to the side and mouthed 'damn' in his disappointment.

"And Zayn..." Camila pulled the raven haired to a halt in front of their old friend. "This is why we are needing to stay out of the papers. So, if you could..."

He gave a genuine smile and nodded his head. He always was a good guy deep down inside. "But I want to see another kiss." Both woman glared at him but he was unwavering. "Kiss or I sell the story. And you know they would pay some big bucks for all the information I can give them. Drunken nights. Babygate. Who lost their virginity to who. Who I've made out with in their bed when their parents weren't home. Who took performance enhancing drugs in school..." Camila gasped at the memory. "They would pay some serious money for that shit. All I'm asking for is another kiss."

"Oh for the love of...come here." Camila huffed and pulled Lauren into another kiss, not passion filled like their other voluntary caresses, but enough to make the childish man happy.

He beamed in satisfaction as he followed the couple out into the main part of the station. "I also require that I be present the next time you two have-"

"No!" They screamed in unison.

"I'll just watch...no touching."


"What about from, like, a webcam or something?"



"So how long am I going to get the cold shoulder from Alejandro?" Lauren asked as she abandoned trying to dry her hair and fell on Camila's bed. She had apologized several times at the station and on the ride home. She also insisted on paying them back for posting her bail. She couldn't do much more than that.

Beautiful When You Don't Try (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now