The Dark

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Chase had mysteriously disappeared by Art class. For some reason, that irked me. I knew he was probably skipping or buying more cigarettes, but I was still worried. I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach that intensified when the dismissal bell rang and Chase was still nowhere to be found.

I walked quickly out to the parking lot, foolishly hoping Chase would be there. Of course, he wasn't. I sighed and continued to walk slowly to Lys's car.

"You look disappointed." A voice rang out from behind me.

Reluctantly, I turned to greet Tyler who stood across from me, smirking. "What do you want?" I asked, glaring.

"Word's going around that you're obsessed with Caulfield." He walked towards me, a predatory look in his eyes. He circled around me, intending to make me feel vulnerable. Instead, it just made me angry.

"Obsessed with Chase? You have no idea what you're talking about."

He laughed humorlessly. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." His face turned serious. "This whole playing human thing was cute, but now it's getting a little annoying."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

He shook his head, jaw clenched. "I'm going to be nice here, you know, throw you a little bone. Stay away from Caulfield. Or he'll kill you."

I almost laughed, but then I realized how serious he looked. "You really think Chase would kill me?" He must have gone insane.

Tyler shrugged. "It's his job, isn't it?"

My confusion was so evident, Tyler caught onto it easily. He looked shocked for a moment before clarity took over his features and his lips curled into a slow, knowing smile. "Naive little Ashlynn. You're still a virgin, aren't you?"

My jaw dropped. "Excuse me?" He chuckled, shaking his head. "How would you know?"

"You have to be." His laughing increased. "This is good. This is really good."

"Tyler." Lys walked up to us quickly. Tyler rolled his eyes as she approached. "What a surprise. Now go away." Her sudden indifference to him was nothing short of shocking.

Tyler stared at me, smiling. "You should tell her soon. She could get hurt."

Lys glared at him. "You won't touch her."

"How are you going to stop me?"

Ashlynn felt so painfully clueless. "What are you two talking about?"

"I'm sure a hunter would love to hear about your victims," Lys continued, ignoring me completely.

"And love to hear about what she has yet to turn into," Tyler challenged, motioning to me.

Lys shook her head. "Just leave her alone." Tyler simply laughed. Frustrated, Lys grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her car.

"What was-?"

"-Not now, Ash. Please not now." I sighed as she got into the driver's seat and slammed the door before I could continue. I got into the passenger seat, glaring at her.

"Are you really not going to tell me anything?" I asked.

Lys looked ahead determinedly and I knew from one glance at her she was going to keep quiet. "It's not my place," she said simply.

As we pulled out into the parking lot, I glanced back at Tyler who was still standing in the same spot we left him in, staring at me. If Lys didn't give me answers, I had the feeling he would.

So I let the rest of the ride to my house go by in silence. As we got farther away from school, the intensity of what just happened faded and that uncomfortable feeling I hadn't been able to escape from lately returned.

Then we pulled up to my house.

Police cars were lined down the street, caution tape stretching across my front door. Policemen moved in and out of the house in a rush.

I looked back at Lys as if she may have some answers. She stared at the scene with wide, disbelieving eyes.

"Ashlynn," she whispered, her voice trembling.

Oh, god.

"Abby." I swung open the car door and ran out, ignoring Lys's protests. I grabbed onto a cop desperately. "Please help! My sister may be in there!"

The look of sorrow that filled his eyes was all the response I needed. I dropped his arm and took a step back on shaky legs. "Miss..." He reached out a hand to stabilize me.

"No," I whispered. I shoved him aside and dashed forward, Lys right on my heels.

I ran straight past all the cops to the kitchen. I froze in the doorway.

Abby. Dead.

My sister was murdered.

My legs gave way underneath me, and Lys grabbed me, supporting my weight.

"C-come on, Ash. We need to get you out of here," she said through suppressed sobs.

I shook my head. "No."

Gently, she guided me away from my sister's body.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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