After a few more seconds of kissing Kaibee pulled away wiping my bottom lip.

"Man this girl is beautiful" I thought to myself.

"Whats your full name? Bwoy killa is not it" she asked. I could see in her eyes she really wanted to know. I've never told a female I was involved with my real name. Just reminds me of the name my mother gave me.
That's place aint fa me, so the kid got out. Ion like to talk bout it.

"Man why you care?  Its just a name" I asked feeling some type of way.

It caught kaibee off guard she had a confused facial expression but said nothing. Til finally I said "just get off of me dawg" I tap her thigh letting her know I was serious.

She scoffed "wowwww." She dragged the word on in a irritated voice. She climbed off my lap and walked to her bedroom bathroom and shut the door behind her.

"let yourself out" I hear her shout as the shower water starts to run. I simply shook my head and left.

Kaibee joshua Coleman

I was angry killa was acting like that. He just couldn't tell me his name. All that did was make me want to know even more.

How does he expect me to just be ok with that. That's a BIG red flag.
Anyways I'm getting dressed now. I'm going down to the vital records office for a new birth certificate. Looking down at my LG its only 2pm so I have time however I don't have a car.
I sat on my couch and turned on the T.V maybe I can catch the bus? But that would take forever. I was already fully dressed and thought about what I was gonna do.

I picked up phone and started to dial his number "I hope he isn't  busy" I sigh listening to it ring a few times.

"What up Kaibee?" I heard a lot of noise in the background.

"um never mind you must be busy" I was about to hang up. He has already did so much for me and I don't wanna get on his nerves.

"nah you good what's up? .... Kaibeeeee??"

"oh I wanted to go get a new birth certificate , can you take-Gco. ."

"I'll be there in ten" then he just hangs up on mi. Well at least he said yea and I don't have to catch the bus.

A few minutes had past and I was Just as I was about to call him
Until my door swung open. There stood a nice dressed jayceon.
He stood in the doorway for a second looking around the apartment before speaking"c'mon."

We walked over to his car I was about to open the passenger door but stopped when jayceon smacked the back of my hand out of no where. "why you hit me !?" I snapped.

"men are supposed to open doors for women, don't forget it" he opened the door for me as I climbed inside and got seated.

"alright but next time you slap my hand" I did the death gesture with my finger on my neck. 

"Sure shordie"he said closing the door, I simply look away and watch my leg.


" Aren't you going to say thank you?" jayceon kept his eyes on the road as he drove.

"Thank you" I said looking over my birth certificate. This is just one of the first steps I have to take to get my life back on track and I knew it.
I feel like jayceon didn't have to help me but he did. However I have to admit he's had an attitude since we have left vital records. I DONT KNOW what's his problem but he don't have to take it out on me.

He turns the radio up loud, and raps along to a song I'm not familiar with. I stare at him for a while, I feel like he's doing this whole "annoyed act" on purpose just to get me annoyed if that makes sense.
So I turned down the radio rolling my eyes.
"Watch out man what you doing!" he pushes my hand away from the radio.

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