Chapter One

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Most people knew me as the girl who always had a camera with her. I don't remember when I first started liking cameras.  I've liked cameras and pictures for as long as I can remember.

Five Years Earlier

My parents –Jessica and Joseph-- are average, we live in an average sized house, in the average area of Los Angeles.  You may think that because I live a pretty average life, that I am an average person.  Let me explain.

I have a huge family.  I am the oldest, I am seventeen years old.  My name is Camryn.  Since I am the oldest, I get my own room.  I get the attic.  The plus side is I get my own space, the down side is it is not finished. 

I have twelve siblings.  Yes, I am serious, I have twelve siblings.  That’s not even the worst part, they are all boys.  Jack—age 15, Mason—age 14, Jacob—age 13, Logan—age 11, Ben—age 10, Mitchael—age 8, Caleb—age 7, Alex—age 6, James—age 5, Connor—age 4, Luke—age 3, and Carter—age 1. 

I am the only one with my own room.  There are only six bedrooms in the house, so they have to triple up.  Jack, Mason, and Jacob share a room.  Logan, Ben, and Mitchael, share a room.  Caleb, Alex, and James share a room.  Connor and Luke share a room, and Carter will eventually join them.  You are probably wondering why two people would have so many kids, well technically they don’t.  Jessica and Joseph are foster parents.  We are all foster kids.  I have been with Jessica and Joseph for the past five years.  

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