"Yeah well... You're never here when I need you." You mumble, fighting off tears and averting your gaze to the small area where your bodies were connected. You hate yourself for not getting your wrist off his grasp, but damn... you missed his touch.

"I know. I know, baby. And I'm so, so sorry." He whispers, pulling you in for a hug. He wraps his arms around your shoulders, a hand caressing your hair softly as he inhales your scent, the one he missed so much. "I love you, please believe me."

Suddenly, you pull back from him, taking a couple of steps back. "I... I can't. I trusted you, we trusted you and you... you betrayed us."

"I know, and I'm sorry. What do I have to do to prove that to you?" He asks, sighing in frustration. "I'll do everything... anything."

"Okay. Then, I want you to apologize to Roman and Dean." You inform, solely, intently examining his reaction.

"Okay." He replies, simply.

"Okay?" You ask, dumbfounded. You honestly thought he was cowardly denying it.

"Yeah, okay. I'll do it." He confirms, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "I'm not going to say I'm not scared to do it, because I am. But I need to do it, not only because you asked me to, but also because they need and deserve to hear it... And I miss them too." He explains, and you want to so badly to believe he's telling the truth. "I screwed up, (y/n). I screwed you up and then they screwed me up."

His voice was wavering, and if there's something you totally hate is to see people, especially people you love, fighting back tears, hurting and trying to maintain composure. It kills you.

You give in a quick hug, not being able to stop yourself, and he sighs into your embrace, as you feel his body slightly relax.

"I'm going to go see them now." He informs, stepping back from you.

"Okay, good luck." You give him a small, yet encouraging smile.

"No, come with me, please." He pleads, once again using his puppy dog eyes, and you just couldn't say no. Besides, it was your family in question here, so no way you could step back.


You had just arrived at their locker room's door. The walk there was silent, and you didn't dare to say something, deciding to leave Seth gather his thoughts. He takes a deep breath before knocking. A couple of seconds later, Roman opens the door.

"What is he doing here?" He asks, his expression turning to anger in just mere seconds. Dean found his tone weird and joined him at the door.

"No, what is he doing here with you?" Dean adds, a frown on his face.

You opened your mouth to talk, but Seth beat you to it. "I... I want to talk to you." He says, but Roman lets out a sarcastic laugh and starts closing the door, only Seth stops him from doing so. "Please, man... just hear me out."

Roman and Dean might say they hate Seth all they want, truth is they miss him too and they are indeed still hurting from what he did. So Roman did what his gut told him to, he let him in.

The room had a few chairs but neither of you dared to sit down. Roman and Dean stood there side by side, arms crossed above their chests in a defensive manner, and a really hard look on their faces. Seth stood in front of them, and you stood in between them but on the side, not exactly taking a side.

"We're all ears." Dean snaps after no one says anything for a while.

"I just... I wanted to apologize to you. I should have a long time ago." He says genuinely.

"You took chairs to our backs! Multiples times! And now you apologize?" Dean snaps angrily.

"Ah, so... you decided to apologize once Daddy Hunter kicked you in the ass, uh?" Roman chuckles, clearly not impressed, Dean following him right away.

"No. I've wanted to apologize for a while... I just never knew how to do it. But now... I got the right motivation." He explains, his eyes unconsciously finding yours, something that has not escaped the other men's attention.

"Oh, you two? Really, (y/n)?" Dean starts, basically the beginning of a tantrum.

"I love her, Dean. I always did... I just had a choice, and made the wrong call." He admits softly, hanging his head low. "I let my ambition, my ego cloud my thoughts. I let them manipulate my mind. I lost everything that mattered because of it. And I'm so sorry for what I did, but I know sorry can't cut it..." Dean and Roman are now quiet, appearing to be weighing what they just heard. "As a very wise woman once told me 'if you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together', and I chose the easier, the faster way. I'm sorry I screwed you up. I'm really sorry."

"Do you really mean that?" Roman asks, his voice small, breaking the silence that had installed in the room once Seth stopped talking.

"I do. I know you won't forgive me like that, but... can you just try? Please?" Seth begs, and you know he's being real right now. His body language shows you the old Seth, a caring, sensitive one.

"Man, it won't be that easy. I just... I can't... trust you." Roman replies, and Dean nods in approval, as Seth drops his shoulders, all hope he had gone. He knows they have their reasons, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. "And if you hurt her, we'll kill you."

"I won't hurt her. I love her. She's the only one for me. Always has been." He admits to them for the first time, Dean even has his mouth slightly hanging open. "And I love you, brothers. And I miss you. So... if you ever feel like you're ready... You know where to find me."

And with that it turns to leave. But before doing so, he turns to you and you signal him that you're staying, and he leaves.

"(y/n), I-" Roman starts, but you cut him off.

"I know, I know. You think he's lying and manipulating us." You sigh, sitting on one of the chairs. "But I don't think he is. He made mistakes and he took notice of them the hardest way... Do you think the new Seth would've done this? Apologize, beg for forgiveness... even if it was just a lie?" You let the question linger in the air for a while, before continuing. "Yeah, well, I don't think he would. He seems genuine to me, guys... It might be hope clouding my eyes, but... my gut tells me it isn't."

"Okay." Roman says, and Dean nods. You shoot them a confused look. "We'll see how things will roll from now on. And you... you'll always have us. So, do what you want to do, we'll always have your back."

"Aka if he hurts me, you'll murder him." You chuckle, standing up, and moving to hug them both at the same time. "I love you, guys. I really do."

"We love you too." They say in unison. "But be careful."

"I will."


You've been searching for Seth for a good 15 minutes and no sign of him. Suddenly, you found Sasha and she told you she saw him headed to the park outside the arena. You followed her directions, and quickly spotted him on a bench under a tree.

"Hey." You greet softly, sitting next to him.

"Hey, you're here." He states, appearing to be surprised. He notices the look on your face and is fast to explain himself. "I just... you stayed behind with them, I thought... well."

"We just needed to talk. It's all good. They'll be alert, so don't screw it up again. I'm trying... no, I'm trusting you, Seth. One more mistake and we're done for good." You advise, silently praying to all Gods that he doesn't. "I won't tolerate any more heartbreak and pain for me or my best friends from you anymore."

"I know you won't. And I don't intend to. I'm being honest, I swear. I just want to make this right." He explains yet again and you lean in and hug him.

"I know, but you gotta be patient, it won't be easy." You affirm, as you pull back from him.

"I know... Do you think... Can we... can we do a movie night together? Like the ones we used to do before?" He asks, stuttering in slight fear.

"Sure, I'd love to."

And for the first in a year, everything seemed to be walking down the right path again.

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