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I stopped a few feet in front of the worthless piece of shit who chose to dig his own grave. He looked at me, looking like he was ready to piss his pants. I never did like him, and I especially don't like him now. When I saw the harsh way he was holding onto Lotus's jaw, it made me feel like a bull, with a red cape being waved tauntingly in my face. I always experience these foreign feelings whenever she's involved. It's irritating and makes me want to pull my head off in frustration.

I eyed Jake with an intimidating stare. He attempted to do the same but failed miserably as he rapidly looked down when I took a step closer to him. I circled him in a mocking manner, but he stood still, waiting for me to make a move. The first time I fought him he didn't know who he picked a fight with. Actually, it shouldn't even be considered a fight, he just threw punches randomly. But after he found out exactly who I was, he didn't dare glance at me.

I opened my arms as if I were gesturing for a hug. "Why don't you come on over and have a dance with devil." I smirked evilly, knowing I had, had an affect on him. It was so easy...it was pitiful.

He seemed to gather up the small bit of courage he had in him because he looked up with a glare and ran towards me, landing a punch on my chest. I tumbled back a bit but that was about it. I quickly recovered and punched him on the jaw. I heard the sound of a crack, satisfying me. That wasn't even my hardest punch and it dislocated his jaw, hah. I  uppercut him in the stomach and at the same time placed my foot behind his heel making him fall back immediately after into people surrounding us. The crowd moved back, not wanting to get hit.

Wrapping my hands around his throat I began to choke him. His eyes widened as he weakly clawed at my hands, trying to remove my tight grip from his throat. His face reddened from his lack of oxygen but I didn't care. He had the nerve to piss me off twice, you must be out of your mind to do that.

That is, until I heard her voice.

"Hades, stop it! Let go of him! You're going to kill him!" She pushed me off and held me back from going to him by putting her hands against my chest. Her big brown orbs looked up at me pleadingly. " Just leave it be. I think he's been beaten up enough for one night. And I can't have you going to jail for murder. "

I looked from her to him, thinking of my options.

Eventually I rolled my eyes and let out a defeated sigh.

I looked down at him like an ant that I could easily crush under my foot. I could easily drag him outside and put a bullet through this heart, but instead, I grab him by the front collar of his shirt and pull him up to face me.

I lowered my rigid stare at him, while his hunted look stared right back at me.
" Listen closely-"

He blinked rapidly, his blood covered face looking forward. " -if I ever see you look at her, speak to her, especially touch her or if you even think of her; I will make sure your heart is ripped out of your fucking chest and fed to rabid wolves."

He nodded almost eagerly wanting this to end. I let go, dropping him to the floor. Some girls quickly went up to him. Probably to check if he was alright. I should've killed him when I had the chance.

Turning around I gruffly grab Lotus's elbow. She attempts to pull it back but I don't allow it. She is definitely going to hear me this time.

" Axel, Jason, go back to the house. I'll meet you there." Lotus tried to loosen my fingers from her hand but I wasn't budging.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2017 ⏰

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