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* Kenicky up above :)
Once the bell rang, meaning it was the end of school, I grabbed my things and ran outside the school doors.
I was running pretty fast, trying to find my brothers car in hopes that he didn't leave me. That butt wipe would actually do it.

I ended up bumping into someone with a rock hard shoulder that almost left me a freaking concussion. "Watch it sweet cheeks," a deep voice said. A very familiar one at that.


Frick frack.


Yes! Ken! I ran to him as quick as my legs could take me. This is where I'm grateful that I have long legs,other than that, they're annoying as heck.
Kenicky glared at Hades, but Hades just scoffed at him and turned around, disappearing from sight into the crowd of desperate students trying to go home.
"Let's go, midget," Ken said, patting my head.
"I'm 5'7. I'm not a midgit," I said matter of factly. "Yeah, yeah," he said teasingly.

Once we got to our house, Ken went to his room to probably begin getting ready for the party. I went to my room and hopped into the shower. Ya know, to wash off all the school germs. I was scrubbing my elbow when the water turned a light red.


I got my dangnugget period. I should've known, it's Friday the 16th. I quickly washed off my body and got out. I opened the cupboard to see there was only one pad left, but it lasted 10hrs so that's good enough for now. I'm gonna go buy some after I'm done changing.

I put on a pale purple sweater with some Adidas warm ups and my beige vans. I walked out of my room heading to the living room. My mom was working a night shift so she wasn't going to be home till tomorrow around 9 AM and Ken left to the party already because his car was gone. Walking to the front door I grabbed the house keys off the key holder and opened the door, exiting my house and locking the door behind me.

It was dark outside already, it was around 57 degrees but nothing I'm not used to. It usually gets really cold in Merced during fall. I inserted my earbuds into my ears and pressed 'shuffle playlist' on the spotify playlist called Songs To Sing In The Shower.

Wannabe by Spice Girls began to play as I entered the drugstore.
I went to the toiletries section and grabbed what I needed, the aisle was empty so I decided to perform for the items. They looked a little down.
I grabbed a deodorant as a microphone  and began on the rap part:
So, here's a story from A to Z
You wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully
We got Em in the place who likes it in your face
You got G like MC who likes it on a
Easy V doesn't come for free, she's a real lady
And as for me, ha you'll see

Slam your body down and wind it all around
Slam your body down and wind it all around

If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends
(Gotta get with my friends)
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give
(You've got to give)
Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is

I began to do the chicken dance, and then proceeded to do the one legged chicken dance and lastly the sprinkler until...

I noticed a certain someone watching me intently.

Could you guess who that someone was?

If you guessed Hades, then I gotta hand it to you, you're pretty good.

My face probably looked like a freaking bottle of Tapatio from how bad I was blushing. I removed my earbuds and laughed an embarrassed laugh scratching  the back of my head. "Hehehe, didn't quite see you there Hades, how's it going pal?," I said still embarrassed as heck.

He glared at me and said, " You always seem to pop up everywhere I go don't you?," he said rudely.  I gasped, what the fricking frackers!?

"Sorry, but um, last time I checked, you're new here buddy. Not me," I snapped. Good job Lotus, that was a good one.

He began to walk towards me, I took this as a threat so I of course did what anybody would do in this situation.

I threw the bag which contained pads at him.....not a very good way of self defense but it was good, while it lasted.

He lifted up his eyebrow and cocked his head to the side,
"You're good kitten, you'd definitely never be kidnapped," he said sarcastically.

"Oh stop it, don't flatter me," I said flipping my hair back. He broke out a small smile, at least it looked like one, and oh my, his face looked even more gorgeous.

He grabbed the pads and walked towards me, handing them to me. This is so freaking embarrassing, I wish the ground would swallow me right now, or someone would just shoot me.


Would you hear that? It's the sound of a gu-
Oh shit. It was the sound of a gun.

"Get down! ," Hades ordered. I was still in shock and didn't move a muscle so he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me down next to him.
He pushed me behind him protectively. His left hand was against my waist and his right reached down his back and pulled out a gun. A GUN. A FRIGGIN GUN.
"Fuck. I didn't think they'd find me here, SHIT!," he whisper screamed at himself.
Who found him? Why were they looking for him? Am I gonna die? Is he gonna die? Did I flush the toilet back at home? SNAP OUT OF IT LOTUS!
My hands gripped onto Hades arm for dear life, I've never been so scared before.
Hades turned around to look at me and said,"Listen princess, I'm gonna need you to run out through the back exit over there." He pointed to the white door with a bright green exit sign. " When I start shooting you run, do you hear me?," I nodded quickly.
"Come out Bats, might as well just surrender, don't make the consequences any more worse,"a groggy voice said. Who in the heck was Bats?
I heard footsteps coming closer. They didn't belong to just one person...

" Oh and by the way, tell that cute little brunette next to you goodbye, because she'll be gone the moment I get my hands on both of you, but luckily for you, you'll stay alive, for a while," him and the others began laughing.

My heart sank.

This can't be happening, not here not now.
The last time this happened was when I found out about my fathers death....
My breath caught in my throat and my body began to tremble. It felt like there was earthquake but only I was feeling it. My hands began to sweat and there was a horrible pain in my chest.

My heart was beating out of my body, and black spots were starting to form my vision.

The last thing I remember seeing was Hades turning around and his eyes widening.

Then everything went black.

Frick frack.

Chapter 3, completed. I'm sorry to leave you at a cliffhanger 😂 but you'll find out what happens in the next chapter so stay tuned dudes and dudettes. 💜

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