The Joker's?

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*Lotus up above, her brother Kenicky will be showed in the next chapter. Then Melody.


I opened the bathroom stall door, and poked my head out. I looked from left to right and made sure my surroundings were safe. Sound and safe. Or is it safe and sound? Same difference.

I stepped out of the stall and let out a relieved sigh. I began to jump up and down out of happiness of being able to see another day. But that was short lived when Ms. I'm-a-Barbie-girl, Cristina, decided to step inside the bathroom.

"Lotus! Hi! Did you find a coupon in the trash?," she said with a smirk. I could choke this girl, and kill her right here, but a bathroom is too much of a good dying place for her.

"Ha ha. No. But you wanna know what I did find in there? Your whole life," I said giving her my kindest fake smile. She stomped her designer heels on the bathroom floor and turned around.

Before she walked out she had the audacity to say, " The new guy is mine by the way, I don't want you going near him." The door then slammed leaving me alone and dumbfounded.

Did she just insinuate that I was a threat? That's hilarious. If anything he's a threat, that rat. I walked out of the bathroom and headed to the cafeteria. I went to go get my food and sat down at the table where my brothers and my friends sat.

We were both in the same grade so we had mutual friends. Most of his were part of the soccer team, they were really funny and easy to get along with, but Ken made sure they didn't get along too well with me. He was so overprotective it drove me insane in the membrane.

"Hey Lotus," my brothers best friend Bryan greeted, placing his tray on the blue table.
"Hello Bryan," I replied with a warm smile. Bryan was pretty cute, he had that adorable smile that could make you weak at the legs and he looked so good with his hair slicked back.

He was also very kind and caring, but I've never really actually felt attracted to him emotionally, like many other girls. But hey, that's just me a-

"Lotus!," my train of thought was interrupted by Melody's screaming. " What the hell happened back there?!," she questioned. "Back where?," I asked innocently, if Kenicky heard that some guy put his hands on me it would rain bloody hell.

" Don't act stupid Lotus, you and the hot new kid were totally hitting it off with each other, he even grabbed your chin and called you sweet cheeks!," she basically announced to the whole world.

Frick frack, here it comes.

"WHO PUT THEIR HANDS ON WHO?!," Ken demanded standing up.

"Ken, it wasn't anything, really," I tried to reason. I saw Hades fighting and I don't want Ken to get hurt, my brother was definitely strong but Hades looked pretty skilled.

"He touched you, that's not exactly anything in my book, Lotus," he stated, giving me a stern look.

"Ken, seriously, just leave it," I pleaded. He looked at me, before his eyes slowly softened. "Fine," he sighed, sitting down. "Who is this new dude anyway? What's his name?," he asked furrowing his eyebrows together.

"His name is Hades. He was in a fight this morning when we were walking to first period. He's pretty hot, if I do say so myself," Melody responded.

"I'm pretty hot," my brother said, smirking at her. She blushed, looking like a freaking tomato. Ew. What the flying sausages was that?

"Wait, wait, wait. Hades? Hades Zamora?Does he have dark brown hair and seem to hate everyone he lays his eyes on?," my brothers friend Jesus questioned eagerly.

"Uh, yes," I answered confused as to why he was so anxious to find out.

"Holy shit! He's the gang leader of the most notorious gang around here,The Jokers, they own these streets and I feel so bad for whoever has gotten on their bad side," he said removing a bit of his black hair that had fallen on his face.

I burst out laughing, tears literally coming out of my eyes, everyone looked at me as if I just grew a second head. Which just made me laugh even harder.

I dramatically banged my fists against the table and leaned back but ended up falling off the bench and landed on the floor with a loud thump. Bryan immediately got up and helped me rise to my feet. "Are you okay?," he asked.

I chuckled," Yeah, I'm fine, thank you. It's just that....The Jokers? That is a pretty funny name." Oh the irony. I'm really good at this.

"Well the fact that he's murdered people isn't," Jesus mentioned.

My eyes popped out of their sockets. Oh my.

"Lotus, I don't want you anywhere near him, are you hearing me?," my brother demanded, leaving no space for argument.

He never really liked anything related to gangs, I remember when I was seeing the movie "The End Of Watch" in the living room and he unplugged the TV and told me to go to sleep already. But it was like 5 in the afternoon soooo...?

"Don't get your panties in a twist Ken. I don't plan on doing so anyway," I said reassuring him. He nodded, satisfied.

"Well, anyway....are you guys planning on going to Jakes party today?," Melody inquired.

"Yup," everyone responded, well, everyone except for me.

"Nope," I said popping the 'p'.

" You're as lame as cow," Melody told me with a pouty face.

" I happen to like being lame, thank you," I said with a smirk. " I need to catch up on Supernatural, it's getting good and I'm not going to miss looking at Deans hot self."

Right then, the bell rang signaling to go to 2nd period. I picked up my bag and said "later" to everyone and began heading to my second period; Art, my favorite class.

"Want me to walk you?," Bryan queried, running up to me like a lost puppy.

"Uh s-sure," I said not used to ever being walked to class by the male species. Besides my brother one time, when he said some guy was eyeing me weird, which was actually a student with a cock eye.

Yep, my brother is one great person.

"Here's my stop," I said stopping in front of the art room.    "Thanks for walking me Bry-Bry."

His eyebrow lifted up, " Bry-Bry? Never heard that one before," he said rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Well now you have, bye Bry-Bry," I said throwing him a grin and walked inside the classroom.


Chapter 2, completed. Hope you guys like it so far, Kenicky shall be revealed tomorrow :))))

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