Two Idiots

124 5 2

* Clemente ^
- Hades -

I dragged the luster cloth across the barrel of the gun one last time before reloading it and placing it inside of my bed headboard on the secret rack I kept.

I closed the front of the headboard and sighed, rubbing my hands over my face. I stood up and walked to my bedroom door opening it and stepping outside. I walked to the kitchen where the rest of my men were seated scoffing down on burgers.

" And he's alive!," my second in command, Clemente (Kle-men-te) , exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air, faking cheer.

" Shut up, I was only in there for 9 hours," I snapped. I grabbed a burger from the brown paper bag and sat down next to him.

" Yeah dude, 9 hours. A pretty long time if you ask me, and you only clean your guns like a maniac when you're worried about something, or should I say........... some one," he moved his eyebrows up and down teasingly, taking a bite out of his burger.

I slammed my hand on the back of his burger squishing it into his face.

He stood up quickly, making the stool fall.

" Bro, what the fuck?!"

I victory smirked.

He walked to the bathroom mumbling curse words under his breath.

" I'm assuming he guessed correctly, considering how offended you got that you had to smash his food into his face ," mentioned the youngest of the gang, Dom.

" I'm not worried about her, what are you talking about?," I questioned, not believing my own words. I looked up at him, and noticed him giving me a 'are you sure about that' face.

I threw my burger on the table and let out another sigh. I've been doing that a lot these days and I can't figure out why.

" Ok, fine! Yes, I'm worried about her, but that's just because I don't want to have a innocent persons death on my conscious."

He laughed humorlessly and stood up.

" Sir, we're a gang. Innocent deaths? You've got to be fucking with me. Just accept that you've got a thing for the girl " he said shrugging his shoulders.

I shook my head, I don't. I can't. We would never be able to be together anyway. Being with me would be like signing your death certificate.

He sat back down. " But anyway, don't worry, she's safe. Clementé sent Axel and Jason to watch her house tonight, just inca-"

I rose up to my feet making the stool fall and slammed my hands on the table.

" Are you fucking serious?! Those two?!"

Dom nodded hesitantly.

" You've got to be shitting me. Those two idiots would probably shoot her instead of protecting her."

Braxton and Axel were well trained men don't get me wrong, but they play around as if they were 7 year olds.

I hope they at least think to call if something comes up.

I went back to my room and began cleaning the remaining guns.

- Lotus -

I was breathing heavily at this point, trying to put on these neon pink fishnet tights up my legs.

I hate having big thighs, they're a big hassle.

Finally, the horrible creations decided to budge and go up my legs.

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