[Vol 2] Relaxing With Ruby

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Predator's POV

Everyone left the VR room and headed to the cafeteria. I returned the card to the engineer and walked to the barracks and took off my helmet.

Predator: Riillleeeyy. *whistles*

A little black and white husky head popped out of the pillow. She tried to walk to me but was still limping a little bit. I picked her up and petted her.

Predator: You're trying to walk aren't ya?

She barked at the comment.

Predator: Shh. People will hear you.

She just licked my face and laid back on the pillow.

You adorable girl.

I put on my helmet and walked out of  the barracks and headed towards the cafeteria. I could hear arguing.

Chef: Ma'am you can't have any more pancakes.

Nora: Don't you tell me how many I can and can't eat!

Chef: It's not healthy.

Nora: More pancakes!

Predator: The hell's going on?

Nora: I want more pancakes!

Chef: She's already had 37 pancakes.

I put my hands on my helmet and sighed.

Oh sweet Christ.

Predator: Just give her two more.

Chef: Ugh. Fine but no more!

Predator: Understood. Nora. After these, no more.

Nora: Gimme!

The chef handed her the pancakes and she sat at a table with the others.

Chef: Anything for you Predator?

Predator: Surprise me.

She handed me a steak with mashed potatoes and corn with a glass of water.

Predator: Thanks.

I walked to the others and sat down between Ruby and Yang.

Ruby: Where were you my big cookie?

Predator: Checking on Riley.

Weiss: How is she?

Predator: She's trying to walk but I doubt she'll be able to for a week.

Ruby: Aww.

Yang: What will we be learning next oh master?

Predator: Wow. Anyways tomorrow I'll be teaching you guys how to wallrun and how to slide.

Yang: So more butt jet tutorials.

I give up.

Predator: Yes. More butt jets tutorials.

I finished eating and stood up to leave. As I left the cafeteria, Ruby came from behind and jumped on me.

Ruby: Can we do something together?

Predator: Define together.

Ruby: Just the two of us.

It'd be nice to relax for a change. Rose. Does Sarah have anything for me?

Rose: NOPE...

You're the weirdest A.I I have ever seen.

Rose: I KNOW...

As long as you know.

Ruby: Please? We haven't done anything together in a long time.

Predator: Alright.  Let's go. I got an idea.

We went to their library to find a good horror movie.

They need to update their horror movies. Geez.

We grabbed a random one and walked back to the barracks. We pushed our beds together and laid together as we watched the movie on the only TV in the room. It was a generic serial killer movie.


Ruby would grab a hold of me every time the killer would kill someone. It was adorable to watch. I just wrapped my arm around her small body.

Ruby: Sorry.

I just smiled. When the movie ended we cuddled together on the makeshift bed. Her silver eyes and smooth skin gave me warmth and comfort. She poked my nose.

Ruby: Boop.

I poked her nose back.

Predator: Beep.

She started poking my chest and abdomen. I reacted by tickling her. She ended up doing the same. Riley just watched us from her pillow as we wrestled. She ended up on top of me smiling.

Ruby: I love you.

Predator: I love you too Ruby.

Warning: Lemon inbound. Grab your lemon Pledge.  You have been warned.

We started making out. We rolled around the bed fighting for dominance. I lost this time letting her explore my mouth. I sat up with my arms wrapped around her back. I felt her hands grab my shirt trying to take it off. I let go of her to let her take it off. I put my hands under her shirt undoing her bra and lifted her shirt off taking her bra and revealing her breasts. I laid back down letting her take off my pants to reveal my member. She wrapped her hand around it moving up and down until it got big and hard.

Predator: You sure about this?

Ruby: We need this.

You dirty girl.

She put her lip around the tip. I felt excitement as she moved up and down my member. She looked at me as she kept going. She stopped and stood up to take off her skirt to reveal her wet panties. She slowly climbed up on me rubbing herself on me.

Ruby: Let me show you how much I love you.

She moved her panties to the side and grabbed my member. She moved it into her slit. It was still as tight and warm as the first time. She started moaning and scratching my chest as she thrusted her hips. I sucked on her breasts causing her to moan.

Ruby: I-I'm-I'm gonna.

Predator: Go ahead. I'm going to-.

She screamed as we came. I pulled out to see juices all over the bed. We just  laid on each other naked as she rubbed my chest. I kissed her head. The door opened up.

Oh shit!

We quickly covered ourselves to see the team coming in.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

Yang: You two having fun?

Blake: Umm.

Neptune: Nice job my man.

Predator: Could you all leave please!?

They all left us to change. We looked at each other.

Predator: Well other than that it was worth it. What about you?

Ruby: Worth it.

We kissed each other again.  They came back in as I took our blankets to the laundry room. I came back with new blankets to hear them talking to Ruby about what they saw.

I'll never hear the end of this.


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