A New War

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Timeskip brought to you by Nothing.

A week later

Beacon Academy has been repaired but not open to the public. The Militia is using the Academy as a base of operations. Every student was in the main courtyard in two lines leading to a statue. Ruby and I were walking through the line. Her teammates were at the statue waiting for us along with the professors and Sarah Briggs. I noticed the statue was of four things: Ozpin, Pyrrha, Penny, and in the back Legion.


I felt myself crying a little as Yang and Ruby put their hand on my shoulder. I grabbed my old helmet and put it in front of the statue. Sarah spoke to me.

Sarah: We're sorry about your Titan Predator but we need pilots more than ever. You spoke of these talented  men and women and I'm considering making them pilots.

Predator: If they want to.

I spoke as loud as I could wiping tears fom my eyes.

Predator: As you have heard there is a greater threat approaching this planet. It will be worse. We need your help. We need you young huntsman and huntresses to become something more. Not soldiers but pilots. You will become stronger than you can possibly imagine. But it will come at a price. You will be going to different planets. You will not only serve Remnant, but you will be serving Earth, Typhon, Harmony, and many more. If you wish to make a difference in the galaxy step out now. You have a choice in this.

Team RWBY, JNPR, and team SSSN stepped out. I approach all of them.

Predator: From this day on you are no longer Huntsman and Huntresses. You are now pilots in training. You will spend two months on the IMS Lastimosa to prove your worth. I have faith in all of you that you will not only pass but you will thrive.

I handed each one of them a holographic dog tag with one side looking like this:

I handed each one of them a holographic dog tag with one side looking like this:

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The other side was blank for now.

Ruby: Pretty.

Predator: As your leader and trainer I welcome you to the Militia. More importantly, welcome to the 59th Battalion Beacon Division.

I looked at the ship.

Sarah: Let's head out.

I walked ahead of everyone. Team RWBY were next to me as team SSSN were on my right and team JNPR were on my left.  I stopped causing everyone else to stop.

Predator: Jaune.

Jaune: Yeah.

I handed him Richter's EVA-8.

Predator: Do not let her death be in vain.

He looked at the shotgun and took it.

Jaune: Thanks.

I grabbed my Kraber and we walked to the ship. As it took off in the air I looked at the statue once more time. Ruby and Yang looking with me.

Predator: I'll miss you old friend.

Merc Of The Frontier: A Titanfall x RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now