Home Life

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                 (Lucas POV)

I saw the fight online when school got out and damn Larkin could fight.
She fucked Clairissa up.
After school I went to her house to ask her about it and she just laughed and told me the story of what happened.
She asked about Clairissa and what she did and I told her what had happend and how she got up.
I told her everybody was looking for her she just said.
"I know my punishment a couple days OSS"
Smart ass.

                    (Larkin POV)

I wasn't tired but I wanted to do something.
So I asked Lucas what he wanted to do and he said nobody at his house was home and Marcus had left somewhere.
We went outside and walked to his house he grabbed my hand on the walk over which I blushed when he did and walked in his house.
It was beautiful not like my grandparents house beautiful.
I mean decorative.
We sat on the couch and talked about the movie we were watching
"Run Boy Run"
It was spoke in german but had subtitles for Lucas.
I started getting sleepy and cuddled into him and he wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep.
                    (Lucas POV)

After she got done talking about the fight she asked what I wanted to do.
I told her we had the my whole house to ourselves and we went over and watched a movie Run Boy Run I think it was.
I just read the subtitles but she understood it perfectly which scared me because that meant she was closer to leaving.
I didn't think to much on it.
She started getting sleepy and she cuddled onto me.
I held her and let her sleep.
Girls don't think we notice the little things but we do.
She smelled like coconuts and chocolate.
After the movie I watched a couple more and then got up grabbed a blanket and got beside her wrapped my hand around her then fell asleep.

                    (Larkin POV)

I woke up to Lucas's heart beat.
I didn't feel like getting up yet so I just cuddled into him and watched the house it was quiet but nice it smelled like firewood. That smell reminded me of home.
I started thinking about all my friends Im leaving behind and my adopted brothers and real grandma but I remembered the pain and the hate I had for them and stopped thinking about it.
Lucas woke up 20 minutes later.
I was on my phone and he rubbed his hand down my back.

L: good morning beautiful

LA: good morning handsome

L: Im starving

LA: me too

L: wanna go get something?

LA: sure



L: ill take that as a yes

               (Still Larkin POV)

We's going to IHOP! Im happy

                   (Lucas POV)

Larkin was up before me this morning and she never moved stayed on top of me😂.
When I woke up I brushed my hand on her back and hugged her.
When I said I was hungry she was to so I suggested IHOP.
She got so happy and yelled "WAFFLES" that was a yes so we stayed in our clothes and went to IHOP.
When we got there I piggy backed her in and kissed her on the forehead.
I sat her at a booth and we orderd I got some pancakes and she got a waffle stack.
She only put butter on them no syrup witch is grosssss.
I tried to take a picture of her but git this instead😒👇

I tried to take a picture of her but git this instead😒👇

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I still posted it. And captioned it "morning waffles"

                  (Diego POV)

I was walking around town when I saw a dobre twin with the girl I like from school.
I was pissed as fuck.
I glared at him from my car and waited for him to notice me.
I saw him take a picture of Larkin and she laughed.
I was getting so mad so I made up a plan Larkin still didn't know about my phone number so I was gonna call her and act like the school have her go outside and Im gonna go in through the back door and get that twin to dip out on her and I was gonna come to her rescue.
I can take the twins split up but not together...and I had then spilt up now.

                    (Larkin POV)

I got a call from the school and I had to pick it up or else id put my scholarship in jeopardy.
I told Lucas one second and walked outside.
As I was on the phone with the attendant he put me on hold but no music was played whitch was weird.
After he got back on the phone he talked about my attendance and my OSS days.
He told me to come to school on Friday whitch I will be and hung up.
When I went inside I found no Lucas. At the table I asked the lady if he left she said he walked out and jumped in a car then left I was pissed I didn't have my long board and was in tattered clothes. I tipped the lady and walked out the door. I was wondering way Lucas would leave me like that out of nowhere did I say something?
I didn't know and I cared.
I wanted to call him but I just left it.
I don't know if I should keep talking to himor what.
All of a sudden I got mad just a rush of heat and anger so I plugged in my earphones and walked.
A little while later a car pulled up beside me and the window rolled down guess who it was????

Hey guys I was wondering if you could leave a comment so I can see who's reading and if I should keep writing and im also thinking about posting a new chapter when the twins post a new video ...Thanks for Reading💖-BAHITI

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