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(Larkin POV)

I walked into health and sat by Lucas.
All the girls in class gave me dirty looks which was chill.
Miss Pyck asked me why I had changed seats and I told her I felt more comfortable and she looked from me to Lucas and said she shipped us.
Lucas looked from me to her and we busted out laughing.
After she started class my leg was resting over Lucas's leg he just put his arm on my leg as we listened to miss pyck talk about Cardiovascular Muscles and blah blah.
He was doodling in his book when I looked over.
It was a doodle of my flower crown I wore on the first day.
I giggled and he smiled at me.
That smile was worth a million dollars to me.

(Lucas POV)

Larkin walked into class she looked cute in black it was more soul though.
When she moved and Miss Pyck asked why,

all the girls didn't like it after all I am pretty cute.
Larkin said she felt more comfortable here and Miss Pyck said she shipped us we both laughed and went back to work.
Larkin rested her legs over my waist and I just threw my arms over her legs and wrote.
We acted like a couple but we ain't.
I wish we were but Marcus would kill me.
We just have to let the lady choose.

(Marcus POV)

I noticed Larkin and Lucas getting closer I didn't like it so later Im gonna go over with flowers and ask her to dinner with me and suprise her with a flight to New York and a Movie...
I had been planning it since I knew I liked her.
I got tickets ahead of time to both the airplane and movie.
Im excited...😊

(Larkin POV)

When the bell rang me and Lucas hugged and split.
I now had a free period and went outside and did tricks on my board.
I was really tired for some reason.
I walked back in and sat in the lunch room by myself and read my book To Kill A Mocking Bird
I have read it at least a million times.
Scout is my favorite character a head strong little tom boy.
I loved her and was her growing up.
I just wish I had a family support system like them growing up but that wasn't my luck.
I got slapped in the face by Clairissa.
I knew this was coming so I got up straightened myself and got ready to fight.
She had a couple of her friends recording our fight and I noticed a shy girl not part of the group recording behind a pillar.
She came at me and swinging and yelled this is for Marcus!!! at me I ducked and landed two hard punches to her stomach which had her double over and I slamed her face on my knee harder and harder till I heard her noise crack.
I let her up and she kept swinging at me I was shocked she got me close to a table I ducked another punch and got behind her head and slamed her face right into the table hard.
She fell and didn't get back up.
She was bleeding from the noise while everyone was watching her I ran over to the little shy girl recording and asked for her number and the video she sent me both and I headed home.
I already knew my punishment.
When I got home the video had been posted everywhere and the whole video was posted of her slapping me and swinging so I did what I had to do although she did scratch me pretty bad on the neck.
I told my grandparents what had happened and they said that they would have done the same thing and were proud of me for winning.
I laughed hugged them and went to my room.
After school got out I heard a knock on my balcony window I went out and there was Lucas he had a grin/smirk on his face he didn't say anything then he pulled out his phone and showed me the video I busted out laughing and he did to I sat down on my outside couch and explaind what happened he wasn't shocked about Clairissa trying to beat me up he was surprised I won apparently she had some good swings on other girls.
I just laughed and then I asked what happened to her he said "she woke up off the ground and got escorted to the nurse everyone was looking for you, you know" "eh I don't care I know my punishment a couple days OSS"

Ayeeee this is part 8 and hope you liked that fight it wasn't fair I thought but anyway update everyday and let me know what I can fix Thanks for Reading💖-BAHITI

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