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kerry's pov

we walked out of school giggling like idiots. school had been okay.most people know who we are now, and cherry stood up for me so much i think we're almost back to normal. i don't know. we were going to the carnival now, it was about a 30 minute walk, so we were going to the bus stop to catch a bus to where the festival is being held, right at the other side of littlewood, by the mall.

"this is going to be so fun" cherry declared. we were both giggling because before we left school an annoying boy kept calling me cherry's evil clone so cherry put a piece of mandarin down the back of his t-shirt.

"i know, i gotta say it does sound fun!" i replied, just as we got to the bus stop.

"the first time i went when i was 5, with mum and dad, i think youhad been at school camp. i made dad come on the bouncy castle slide with me, and i pushed him down first." she smiled at the memory. i did too.

 i had been to the festival too, but not in a long time. i had gone to boarding school when i was eleven, and when i was ten i had been at a sleepover, and when i was nine i had been at the school science fair. so i hadn't been since i was eight. i couldn't remember it at all.

the bus pulled in and we hopped on. apparently the ride was going to be quick because there was a really quick bus route.

"do you like candy floss?" cherry asked me suddenly.

"um.....yeah" i replied.

"great! they do the best candy floss on a stick there!" cherry told me .

"sweet" i giggled. "any rollercoasters?" i asked.

" yeah, they have some rides." she replied.

"you been on any?"

"yeah, i've been on most of them"

"whats your favourite one?"

"probably the screamer"

"whats that like?"

"its really awesome, you get strapped in and then it just starts going in a loop shape really fast!"

"sounds cool!"

"yeah it is"

"are there any ferris wheels?!"

"uuuuuum..... yeah i think theres one"


you could see the carnival from here and we were both staring out the window. it definately did have a ferris wheel, and a roller coaster, and heaps of stalls and a live band playing on a stage.

we got off the bus and started inspecting everything.

"this is amazing!" i told cherry.

"i know! i think it got bigger!" she replied. we had both been given a lot of money for the carnival so we went over to the first stall we saw.

knock a bottle!

we both went over and payed for three balls. cherry went first. she threw and missed by about 5 centimetres. on her second go she threw too high and it went right over a tower of bottles. on her last go it just hit a bottle. it started wobbling and then knocked over its bottle tower.

cherry cheered and i clapped. the man behind the stall gave her a big toy caterpillar filled with rice. she hugged it dramatically.

i missed on my first two goes, but on my third go i threw too high and it went right over the bottle tower, then hit the wall behind it and came back to knock the whole tower right off the table.

cherry and i cheered and i was given a big toy dolphin filled with rice.

"hey cherry, do you want to go on the....er....screamer?" i asked her.

"oooooooh yay!" she said, jumping up and down and clapping her hands like a little kid.

we ran over to the screamer, which luckily wasn't too far away. we paid and got on, holding on to our new toys. cherry was right, it it freaky. when we finally got off we were both really dizzy, and cherry actually walked into a pole! we both cracked up laughing.

after that we both went and got candy floss, (which is really delicious!) and watched the live band for a while.

after a while we decided to go on the ferris wheel.

"you ready, kere?" cherry asked me before we got on.

"you bet you're rice filled catipillar i am!" i replied, as we got on.

we held on to our new toys in one hand and as we started going up wegripped eachothers hands.

"Omigosh! this is sooooooooooooo freaky!" cherry exclaimed right before we got to the top.

"i know! but look, you can see all of littlewood from up here, and look, theres our house!" i could only tell that it was our house because we lived a couple of streets away from the school and i could see the school field, and our house is huge.

"oh yeah!" cherry said, as she looked where i was pointing.

she smiled at me, and i smiled back. i could tell just from that tiny gesture, that we were back.

we were sisters, and not only were we twins, but we were best friends.


so heres the end of little miss popular. its been just a little short story but thats just because its an idea i had that didn't really develope so its just this! i hope you enjoyed it! :)




thanks to everyone who supported me!


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