Chapter 7 - The Lair of the Spiders

Start from the beginning

The spiders seemed to have decided nothing was trapped between the trees, and turned away from Bilbo, disinterested. The spider he had been following scurried up into a tree and along its branch, from which hung five of the dwarves. It chose one, slicing through the web. The dwarf fell to the ground with a heavy thud, not far from Bilbo, and began wriggling violently. Bilbo watched as the spider followed its prey down, and arched its back. 

He knew that if he didn't do something - and quick - the dwarf would soon become a meal. Slowly, he reached for his sword and drew it from his belt. He made quick work of the web holding him, though some of it still stuck to his back, and approached the spider. It had its back to him, and so was completely unprepared when Bilbo swung the sword and sliced off three of its legs.

It went down, screeching, it's eyes searching for the one who had maimed it. As if it could see him, the spider lunged for Bilbo - with some difficulty now that it was three legs short. Bilbo swung again, and the sword clanged against it's pincers. The beast reared in anger and tried again, but the hobbit was ready. As soon as it came within his reach, Bilbo drove his sword between the spider's eyes and into its head. It wailed for a moment, then dropped to the ground, dead.

Wasting no time, Bilbo removed the ring and ran to free the dwarf, who turned out to be Gloin. The red-haired dwarf tore the web off himself and drew in several deep breaths. "By my beard," he said gruffly, "I am never again entering this forest willingly."

Bilbo agreed, then went to the nearest tree and pulled himself up to the other dwarves. He cut down seven, while Gloin waited on the ground to free them from the webs, and was about to start on an eighth when another spider made itself known to him. It scurried along the branch towards him, clicking its pincers and screeching. 

Alarmed, Bilbo felt in his pocket for the ring, but there was no time to slip it on. The spider crashed into him and they both fell from the branch. The ground rose up to meet Bilbo and when he hit it the wind rushed out of him. He lay wheezing on the forest floor as the spider, which had landed on its legs, drew nearer. It stood over him, its eight black eyes staring down at Bilbo as he struggled to draw breath. 

This is the end, he thought miserably. He couldn't move, couldn't breathe. His head was pounding and it felt as though something large was trying to get out of his throat. When the spider reared, Bilbo closed his eyes, waiting for the bite that would finish him off.

But the pain didn't come. He opened his eye.

A sword had been plunged through the beast's body, the tip of which hung only a hair's breadth from  Bilbo's chest. The sword was drawn out of the spider, and whoever had weilded it now kicked the beast aside.

Sîor grabbed Bilbo by the arm and pulled him to his feet.

"Th-thanks," Bilbo stammered, but the Guardian had already flown away to help rescue the others. A strange feeling came over Bilbo then. It felt as though someone had taken away his soul. Reluctantly, as though afraid of what he might find, Bilbo laid a hand over his waistcoat pocket.

The ring was gone.

His heart missed a beat. Bilbo turned slowly, hoping against hope that it had not fallen too far from him. It took less than a second for him to see it, lying amongst the dead leaves at the base of a tree. A deep sigh escaped his lips, and he felt very lightheaded all of a sudden. 

Bilbo moved towards the ring, but no sooner had he gone two paces did another spider slip down the tree and land in front of him. It was a lot smaller than the others had been, and it had pale pink skin, stretched tight over its body. It stamped its spindly legs, treading several times on the ring.

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