18. Picture Perfect Family

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I woke up groggy thanks to my midnight stroll. I rolled off the bed and jumped into the shower. I put on some skinny jeans and a teal long sleeve shirt. I put my hair into a side braid and knocked on ash's door.

"Ash get up! We have to get dad from the hospital,"

I shoved on some boots and pounded my fist on spikes door.

"Spike I'm getting dad! If you need to vent get it out now!"

I let out a sighed, we were late. I should have been up half an hour ago. Ash came out groggy. He's socks were mixed matched and his shirt was inside out.

"Ok let's go!" I said handing him his slip on.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet," he yawned.

I handed him a stick of gum. I grabbed dad's keys off the hook. I don't drive it much because it's dad's car, and though I don't have my license I know how to drive. So I crossed my fingers that I wouldn't be pulled over. I got Ash buckled up and got in the driver's seat. I stuck the key in the engine and turned, I felt the rumble of the motor starting up and pulled out of the driveway.


"Daddy!" Ash yelled as soon as he saw dad filling out paper, at the checkout desk.

"Hey Ashy!" he grunted as ash's head hit his side. My eyes widened, was that where he was stabbed?

"I'm fine," dad mouthed to me, obviously seeing my worry. I smiled and put an arm around his neck.

"Hi dad," I whispered.

"Hi darling," he put an arm around my back. I pulled out first wiping a tear from my eye.

"Well looks like your hearings fine?"

I tapped my ear.

"Good as new, how about you?"

He put on his I'm a tough guy smile.

"I'm fine, good as new,"

I eyed him and tossed him the keys. The car ride was full of ash telling dad what he missed. From when we went to paintball to spike.

"Spike is out of jail!?" Dad yelled the car swerved a bit sending my head into the window a bit.

"Yeah, don't worry his creepy as ever," I muttered. Dad eyed me in the rearview mirror.

"So he's home alone?"

"For the time being," I huffed, rubbing my head.

Dad let out a sigh and pulled into the driveway.

Spike was in the kitchen making bacon and eggs when we walked through the door.

Dad didn't say anything he just gave Spike a glare and hung up the keys.

"I changed the passcode on the gun safe and hide the knives, as soon as I knew he was home," I whispered to dad, he nodded his head and motioned for me to follow him.

He closed his bedroom door and let out a sigh.

"Ok sir I want to talk about rethen,"

"Ethan dad his name is Ethan," I sat on the bed.

"So everything's good? He's not hurting you is he?' his face went firm and hostile.

"No dad, he's perfect. I met his family yesterday,"

"Ok, what else have you been doing?"

"Full recap? Spike came home, he got drunk together, I went to church with Ethan's family,I visited grandma and then i-" I stopped myself before I could say the words,"I went to the old house to see if there was a pentagram still there, because I think mom might have been a devil worshipper". Yeah because that just slips right off the tongue.

"You what?" dad cocked his head to the side, can give me a cold glare.

"I-i,' i looked down,"I visited the old house," I said it in such a whisper I wonder if I said it at all.

'Y-you did what?" he stuttered but tell if he was in shock or if he was mad. I shut my eyes and felt tears prick at my eyelashes.

I felt hands take mine. I opened my eyes and dads was eye level with me.

"Why did you go to the old house?" I could see him fighting tears behind his eyes too.

"I-i-i," I stuttered," y-you wouldn't understand, you'll think it's me not," I shook my head

"What? What won't I believe?" he sounded hurt, I knew if I told him, he blames the hallucinations and pills. I shook my head and tears slipped out. He engulfed me in a hug.

"I don't wanna believe it, I don't mom she wouldn't," I sobbed.

I don't know how long I cried but I stop when I heard a crash downstairs. I jumped up and wiped my face. I ran down the stairs. Ash was curled up in spike's arms.

I turned to where Spike was staring. The photo that I hung up a couple days ago was shattered on the floor. I walked up to the photo and this time. It was so shattered you couldn't make out a face but mine. My face was in a perfect circle. What the hell. I picked up the photo and threw it in the trash.

"There it's gone!" I yelled and stormed upstairs.

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