10. Entertain Me

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I woke up to a nudge in my side. I groaned and turned to my side.

"Onyx! Wake up it's Saturday!"

"So,"  I groaned

"So let's do something!"

"Cool let's sleep," I groaned fluffing a pillow around my head till I was comfy.

"Nooo, let's go out and do something! We could..... PAINTBALL!!he yelled and jumped on the bed. When I couldn't take it anymore I gave in.

"Ok!Ok! You win just stop jumping," I yelled throwing a pillow at his head.

"Yay!" he ran out of the room,"

"NO BATMAN SUIT!" I yelled

"Aww," I heard him sigh.

"Damn it! Go left go!" I yelled to ash after dodging a pink ball of paint.

"Ok! Ok!" he yelled tailing me.

I shoot two balls of paint at two 5-year-olds.  They hit right in the center of their chests.

"Come on lady is my birthday!" one yelled

"Well, loser you just died on your birthday!"

He stuck out his tongue, and I flipped him off.

"Mommy!" he yelled running away, I shrugged and got back into the game.

"Suck it loser!" Ash yelled. I couldn't tell if I should be proud or scold him.

I rushed to him and put a hand on ash's shoulder.

"I've trained you well young grasshopper," I said proudly.

He giggled and we went back to back into the field.


"Onyx hush you are drawing much attention," he whispered.

"Why look at our shiny trophy!" I rubbed the trophy.

"Because everyone is looking at us!"

"Whatever," I shrugged and shined my new baby.

When we got home I was beyond exhausted and I could practically hear my bed calling for me, shouting really. But fate had other plans for me.
"Onyx! I'm bored again,"
I let out an over dramatic groan and turned back to him.
"I miss it when all you wanted to do was nap,"
"Onnyyxxx, please play with me!"
"Finnneee," I groaned and walked into the living room.
"What do you want to do?"
"Ummm how about Mario Kart?"
I nodded and he set it up. As always I chose Rosalina with an awesome motorcycle and mister wheels. Ash chose toad and a small car. We decided to play Mushroom kingdom because Ash was still getting used to the game. Once we started I was in full game mode. Tilting my hands as far as they would go and going through the risky short cuts. I came in first every race. Once the game ended I fell back into the couch.
"Haha! I win!"
"How are you so good as this?" Ash asked
I smiled and laughed.
"Because Ash-man your sister is awesome at everything,"
We both laughed.
"Now because I've won every game we've played today I'm going to take a nap,"
"We played two games!"
"They were strenuous!" I called from the top of the stairs. Below I heard Ash think.
" What does strenuous mean?"
I laughed and pulled all the covers over me.

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