11. Pitch

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I plopped down on the couch and flipped on the t.v. ash sat next to me.

"Whatcha watching?" he asked

"Vampire Diaries," I answered moving his head back so I could watch.

I heard a slight buzz but ignored it.

"You watch weird stuff," Ash commented.

I looked up at the tv I saw that Damon was sucking woman dry of her blood.

"Oh Ash this is not a kid-friendly show,"

he got up and went to the kitchen. The buzz got slightly louder.

"Onyx? What is that noise," Ash asked

"Probably just the tv bud!" I called out. I moved the blanket so it was hugging every part of me. The buzz louder and I turned off the tv, but it continued. I looked around trying to find the source but to no avail. I searched the main floor, top floor, and basement.

"God Ash what is that coming from?" I asked

It was really starting to drive me nuts! What is that noise! It was getting louder by the minute and it was getting sharper and starting to hurt.

"I don't know but it's starting hurt though make it stop!" he whined

He hid his head in my chest. I was faster now growing in pain and it was getting so loud. I covered my ears but I only helped a little. Ash started to wince in pain, and I understood why it was like a knife was getting cut into my ear. I uncovered my ears and wrapped them around his ears. I grabbed the couch pillows and put them against his ears to. I was so close to crying. It hurt so bad but I had to protect ash first. I let out a whimper. I squeezed my hands closer to his head. It got louder. I missed my chance to get to the door, I hade to keep ash's ears covered and the walk to the door was to far away.
I wanted to scream so loud it would match the same pitch as the one causing my pain. I moved my head around as if would stop the pain. I grew so loud I couldn't hear ash's screaming anymore. I let tears fall down my cheeks, and a scream rips out from my throat. I could take the pain anymore. I didn't have the strength to move to the door. The only power I had left was to keep my hands on as his ears.it was like cats clawing at a chalkboard. I screamed too loud I almost heard it. Something warm trickled down the sides of my head. I used my knee to hold a pillow over ash's head and used my head to see what was on me. I felt the smooth substance. I brought my hand to my face to find dark crimson, blood. I put my hand back on the pillow. God, what is this! What was leading me death! Black spots prickled through my eyes till I was completely unconscious.

I woke up too comfortable to be my bed. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a similar room to my father's hospital room. I prompted myself on my elbows and looked around. Ethan was next to me in a chair, he looked sad and like he hasn't slept in days. Memories fluttered through me and my main concern turned to ash.

"Is Ash ok? Please tell me his ok!" I said my concern of ash clouded everything.

He looked up and smiled, he mouthed something but I couldn't hear it.

"Speak up Ethan is my brother ok or not!"

He mouthed something again. But I couldn't hear him, I couldn't hear my own voice. I opened my mouth and put my hand on my throat to make sure my throat vibrated when I spoke. I thought if a word and said it and felt the tiny vibration but heard no sound. I but my hands to my ears remembering the blood.

Ethan's face went to a frown, he grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and started writing. He held up the paper for me to see.

Onyx I'm so so sorry, I don't know what happened when I found you your ears were bleeding and the doctor said that for now, you hearing, it's gone.

I had to reread the last sentence almost five times. There's a possibility I wouldn't hear ash's sweet laugh again? Hear the honey of Ethan's voice? The humor of dads awful jokes? Ethan held up the paper again.

Ash is fine. Your protection saved him from any severe injuries. What the hell happen?

"I-i don't know I just heard this awful noise, it was like someone was putting knives in my ears," I think I said.

He engulfed me in a hug. I cried at the loss of my hearing. I clung to the hope that it was temporary.

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